Chapter 45

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"What did you just say?" Irene shot up from her seat bewildered when she heard Hoseok's request. "I dare you to repeat what you just said, Jung Hoseok."

Couple of years earlier the model would shrink under his manager's angry stare, but now he was already used to it. "I want you to cancel my and Yoongi's wedding while people are distracted by Namjoon's coming out."

"Are you insane? Did you wake up on the wrong side of bed or something?"

"No, I woke up right in the middle of our king-sized bed."

"Did you and Yoongi break up?"

"What?" Now was Hoseok's turn to lose his cool. "Don't say that! You know how strong is our love. We would never break up!"

"Then what the actual fuck is happening?"

To say that Irene was shocked would be underestimating. She was at the verge of losing her last functioning braincells.

"Look, it's really long story and kinda of personal and-"

"Tell me everything, until I'm asking you nicely."

Hoseok got shivers from her tone and decided to do as told while he still had chance. He knew that it's better not to anger Irene too much. So, he told her. Everything. Not in all details of course, but the main part.

"You're in polyamorous relationship?" Irene asked in disbelief. "I though that didn't work in real life. Hold up. Why am I hearing about that only now? How long has that been going on?"

"For more than five months."

"Oh my freaking God! Five months?!" Her eyes widened like saucers and the female paled. "How many times you could have been caught? Have you thought about that at least once? How could you not tell me about this? I am your manager! I must know when something so important is happening to you."

"I just wanted some privacy...." Hoseok whined, nevertheless, mentally agreeing with Irene. She was supposed to know about Jimin.

"Oh, Jesus Christ! I am not getting paid enough to deal with stress I experience at this job!" Irene rubbed her temples obviously stressed to no extent. "You are literally the worst client in the history of clients!" She accused poor Hoseok pointing at him her index finger.

"I know I'm not that bad!" He smiled at her showing his small dimples, hoping that his charms would work as always.

"The worst."

"You don't meant it."

"I mean every single word."

"I know that you love me."

"I think I'm just gonna quit this job and find some young, obedient soul wishing to achieve success in showbusiness. Plus as I mentioned, I'm not getting paid enough anyway. Do you know that I get for a whole year the same amount as you in a week. In one single week!"

"I didn't know that." Hoseok said truthfully actually feeling bad for his manager's low fee. Her stress was actually not being paid off. "I'll triple your salary or quintuple, or just tell me how much you want and-"

"Hey, it is not about money!" She shouted, shaking her head in tiny. "All I want is you to behave! Am I asking for too much? Just do my job a liiiiiitle bit easier."

"I'll try my best." Hoseok solemnly promised putting his hand on heart. But both the model and his manager knew deep down that he wouldn't be able to keep his word. "So about the wedding..."

"Aish! How do you have a nerve to ask me cancel your wedding when only three weeks are left?!"

"B-but we can't get married, Irene! Jimin will feel left out." Hoseok and Yoongi thought a lot what to do and decided not to get married just yet. Their relationship had changed a lot and now included another person in it, so they had to re-consider everything. The males came to conclusion that it would be the best decision for three of them to delay the wedding. "Look, you can say that we decided to postpone it. No need to be dramatic and say that we're never getting married."

Our Little Experiment | YoonminseokOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora