Chapter 43 🔞

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"I really hope she's gonna be okay." Taehyung sighed and threw head back, looking up at the marvelous ceiling Jungkook's living room had. He was currently at the male's house, telling him everything about how he and Hoseok found out that Sana was the one who set up Jimin.

"It's so nice of you to still care for her well-being."

"I can't the other way!" The model exclaimed, throwing hands in air. "She was by my side for years and I always took her for granted. If I was a bit more attentive and less self-concerned, maybe she wouldn't end up with mental disorders. How can I not blame myself?"

"Stop it, Tae. You couldn't have known." Jungkook insisted, not wanting the older to be eaten up by guilt.

"You're right. I can't change the past. But I'll try to make things right in the future. Maybe I'll be able to improve my mistakes. Anyway, I'll make sure that Sana gets better."

"You're such a good person, Kim Taehyung. Try to give yourself more credit."

Taehyung hid a smile that fought its way on the male's face. He looked down to escape the younger's knowing stare. However, before Jungkook managed to say something, the door bell rang.

"Are you waiting for someone?"

"No." Jungkook shook his head and left to see who was it. He cleared his schedule as soon as Taehyung asked him to hang out. So no one was supposed to bother him.

"Mingyu?" His jaw fell to the floor when he saw his friend with some girl standing in front of him. "If this is what I think it is, better run." He warned the male without sparing glance at girl, already guessing who she was.

"Relax, Jungkookie. That is not how you welcome guests." Mingyu patted his head and entered house as if his own. "This is my lovely cousin, Yeeun."

"Hello, nice to meet you Jungook-shi." She bowed to him, trying to muffle her squeal and not start bouncing from excitement.

"What is going on here?" Taehyung appeared as soon as he heard female voice. To his horror, he was met with a sight of another boxer, Mingyu, who had brought some girl to Jungkook's house.

Blind date. It hit him just a moment later. Mingyu still brought his cousin despite that Jungkook was against date with her?! Taehyung wasn't having it.

"Ya! Kim Mingyu! Who told you to come here with her?" He pointed at astonished Yeeun, who didn't expect to see two stars at the same evening.

"No way." Mingyu smirked and checked Taehyung from head to toe. "What is Kim freaking Taehyung doing here? Damn, you're hundred times prettier in real life."

"Back off." Jungkook instantly covered the model with his body and looked a bit angrily at his friend. "You haven't told me that you'd come."

"I did, but you were against it."

"That simply meant, you shouldn't have come."

"I'm sorry for interrupting..." Yeeun chirped in, shyly lifting her hand a if she was in class. "...but is it such a big problem that we're here? Mingyu said that you're friends."

"We are friends, so I really don't know what is this kid's problem."

Jungkook sighed trusfrated.

How was he supposed to explain to Mingyu that guy which he liked was very jealous nearly at every interaction of him with attractive people because he felt threatened. And the most hilarious part was that Taehyung didn't even like him back.

"Just come on in." He said defeatedly, motioning everyone to the living room.

The four of them sat in silence for what felt like a lifetime. Yeeun seemed too shy to start a conversation, Jungkook was too tired to do this, while Taehyung was busy with glaring at poor girl who hadn't even done anything wrong.

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