Chapter 44

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Seokjin entered Namjoon's company confidently for the first time in his life. Just couple of days ago the CEO announced that he and Jisoo wouldn't get married because none of them wanted to end up in arranged marriage without love. Moreover, he gathered courage to come out to a country as homosexual man who was already taken. Yes, Namjoon finally told the world that he and Seokjin were in relationship.

In short, the hottest CEO's confession was everything that people talked about. That's why Hoseok and Yoongi were going to use this and also announce that they were cancelling their wedding. At least, that's what Jimin told Seokjin previous night. The younger was worried that he was a reason why couple wouldn't get married, but Jin assured him that it was for the best.

The chef was happy for Jimin, and at the same time he couldn't help but be really proud of how much Namjoon changed for past year. He made Jin's dream come true. Their relationship wasn't hidden anymore and they were official! That was all Jin had ever wanted.

Even though there were many people that wrote bad things about Namjoon for his coming out, the couple didn't let negativity get to them. Their relationship had probably never been so flourishing before.

Seokjin was going to enter elevator to his boyfriend's office, when its door opened and Kim Jisoo went out. They both froze at unexpected meeting, however, a moment later Jisoo politely bowed to him with a small smile.

"Hello, Seokjin-shi. I hope you are doing well."

"Yes, thank you. What about you?"

The woman nodded saying she was alright. Since the situation got awkward to no extent Jin was about to bid farewell and leave, however, at that very moment Jisoo broke the silence.

"Can we talk if you have some free time, please?"

Jin wasn't sure what exactly they had to discuss. The situation was quite straightforward, but he simply couldn't say no. Jisoo didn't deserve it. The female was understanding when Namjoon told her about cancelling their wedding and she didn't do anything against it. Jisoo just accepted the CEO's decision without any protests. Seokjin was really grateful for that and he wanted to tell her it to face.

To get some privacy, Jisoo led them to her own room in the agency. She was one of the celebrities from Namjoon's company. Because of her popularity and father's fortune, Namjoon would be benefiting a lot from their union. However, thankfully, that was in the past.

After manager brought drinks for them, the two were left alone.

"I kinda of want to apologize to you, Jisoo." Seokjin didn't let awkward silence fall again. "I have a feeling like I stole Namjoon away from you."

"We both know that it isn't true. He never was mine to begin with. Don't listen to what people say, Jin. If you let them get to you, your life will become miserable. They don't know anything that actually happened, but we do. If someone ever brings that up, I will make it as clear as possible that you weren't the reason why Namjoon and I broke this engagement."

"Well, technically, if I didn't got to Namjoon, he would have never gone against his father."

"And aren't you happy that you managed to make him realize what he wanted?" Jisoo asked with amazement in her voice. It seemed like she really admired what Jin did. "I'm very happy that you saved us from a mistake that would never bring happiness to neither of us."

"You're too kind, do you know this?"

"Nah, I just really appreciate what you did. Can I be honest with you?" She continued when got a nod as response. "When I first heard that I was going to get married to my company's CEO, I didn't get neither excited or disappointed. I just really didn't feel anything at all with regard to it. I have never been in love before, can you believe that?"

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