Chapter 40

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"Are you sure that you're okay?" Taehyung asked his best friend over the phone for the third time.

"Yes, I've never been better. Trust me."

"How is that even possible? The media and Yoonseok's fanbase is literally hunting you."

"There is something you need to know, Tae."

The model abruptly turned head to the phone that he carelessly tossed on the bed after putting it on speaker.

"What is it? I seriously need new dose of gossips."

"I'll tell you when we meet."

"Aish, won't you at least tell me where did you disappear yesterday?"

"I'll be back tomorrow and tell you everything, okay?"

Taehyung shook his head knowing well that it was pointless to argue with his friend. The model just continued raid on his closet, looking for a perfect outfit.

"What are you doing?" Jimin asked, tired of the silence.

"I'm trying to figure out what to wear on a walk with Jungkook."

"Oh, you're talking about your date. Jungkook also told me about it this morning and-"

"Hey, it is not a date!" Taehyung corrected him, flushed. "He just asked me to go on a walk in a park. There is nothing so special about it."

"Then why is your bed filled with piles of your clothes?"

"I just don't want to...... Wait, how do you know about my bed? Do you have sixth sense or something?"

"I can feel it through our soulmate bond."

The model rolled his eyes, failing to hide a wide grin on his face.

"Look, I just want to look decent. That's all."

"I can say from your voice that you're nervous."

"So what?"

"Are you nervous when you're hanging out with me?"

"Of course, not." Taehyung said without second thought and tossed another shirt in the corner to other rejected clothes.

"Then, how do you think, why is it different when you're with Jungkook?"

"Why are you being like this? I don't like such complicated questions. I actually called you to tell you how nervous I am, but you're trying to turn everything in a lecture. I just needed your advice"

Jimin sighed. "Stop pouting like a baby. I can feel it all the way from here."

"I'm hanging..." The model teased.

"Look, just wear something casual and don't over-do yourself, got it? Don't go there in a damn suit, it's just a walk in park."

"I know that much, thank you." Taehyung discarded the brown suit that he had on mind.

"Just relax, Tae. You shouldn't be nervous about anything when you're with Jungkook. He loves when you're yourself around him."

"Tell me what do you think about this one?" Taehyung quickly took a mirror selfie in an outfit and sent it to Jimin.

"Tell me what do you think about this one?" Taehyung quickly took a mirror selfie in an outfit and sent it to Jimin

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