Chapter 29 🔞

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Yoongi didn't remember the last time when he was that angry.

He really didn't intend to eavesdrop on Jimin and his colleagues' conversation. The CEO was heading home when he noticed the lights in one of dance studios. Of course, he had to check on it, however, once he heard familiar voice, he couldn't help but freeze on the other side of door. Yoongi missed Jimin so much that it was not even a joke anymore. He and Hoseok suffered without their little angel. They didn't want to admit it, but their relationship wasn't the same as before meeting Jimin. They couldn't do anything too intimate. The couple just cuddled together and sometimes shared sweet kisses, but that was nothing compared to the sexual activity they had always had.

So, while the two had to go through this pain, Jimin was fucking around with Jeon Jungkook? Hell no. It seemed like Yoongi had to teach a lesson to the younger. Even thought, deep down he was well aware that Jimin had every right to be with another, his heart didn't want to accept it. His veins burnt with jealousy when he imagined Jimin with Jungkook. Yoongi was going to do everything to remove from his memory another man's touches and remind the male where he belonged.

"Yoongi-Poongi!" Hoseok's high pitched voice welcomed Yoongi, once he reached the penthouse with Jimin trialing behind him. The model was sitting in front of the TV, wrapped in a fluffy blanket. He acknowledged his fiance's arrival once he heard his heavy footsteps approaching the couch. "Why are you so late? You promised we would watch this drama toge-" He abruptly stopped when finally noticed Jimin.

The younger had his head hang down as he didn't dare to look in Hoseok's eyes. Too ashamed of his betrayal.

"Why is he here, Yoongi?" The model stood up, finding it hard to believe his own eyes. "What is going on?"

"Why don't you ask our lovely Jimin?" Yoongi turned to the younger, forcing him to look up. "Don't you want to tell Hobi what you've done?"

Jimin instantly shook his head, saying no. He knew that the model had to find out about it sooner or later, but he didn't want to break heart of his second lover too. Hoseok was so fragile compared to Yoongi.

"No? You don't think that my boyfriend deserves to know it?"

Having Hoseok's questioning gaze on himself and Yoongi's persistent stare, Jimin wanted to shrink and disappear. But since that wasn't an option, he had to face consequences of his actions if he wanted to improve everything with the couple. He needed them in his life like he needed oxygen, despite denying it for a long time.

"I'm sorry Hobi." He approached confused model and caressed his warm hand, loving to be so close to him once again. He took a deep breath before saying something that would hurt him. He wished so much to receive all the pain caused by him instead of Hoseok and Yoongi. "I slept with someone else."

Tears built up in Hoseok's eyes upon hearing those words. He expected something like this to happen. After all, Jimin was crystal clear when he said that he was leaving them to find a true love. Hoseok was planning to be strong and accept it when the time comes, but it turned out he couldn't do that. It hurt too much.

"Then why are you here? Just go back to your boyfriend and be happy with him! Why are you rubbing it in my face? Since when are you so cruel?" Hoseok snatched his hand from Jimin's grip and turned his back on the male to wipe away his tears.

"No Hobi, please!" Jimin instantly back-hugged the model, wrapping his arms around him and placing his head on Hoseok's back. "It was a mistake. I don't feel anything for him. I don't even like him that way. I was just so so so stupid. It was probably the worst decision in my life, Hobi. I regret it so much. Please, don't think that I managed to move on from you or forget you, because I couldn't. I was thinking only about you and Yoongi all the time. Every single day. I wanted to be with you. Even when I was with another."

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