Chapter 31

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Jimin took a glass of champagne from a waiter passing nearby and politely thanked the man. Surrounded by people of high society, he felt out of place. It was annual charity even that one of the entertainment companies hosted. This year was Bighit's turn to welcome all famous and rich guests, who would write checks ending with six zeros by the end of evening just to brag about it later. Anyone who thought that it was made to help poor students get education was a fool. It was some sort of competition for wealthy people. And every year one of them would certainly win the title of the most generous man or woman.

Jimin rolled his eyes at the thought. Few months earlier he couldn't even imagine that people he used to like and admire were this superficial. It was quite upsetting. However, he was lucky enough to stumble upon those who actually were caring and.... just real. A soft smile adorned Jimin's rosy lips as his thoughts drifted to the men that lived in his mind and heart rent free.

Yoongi and Hoseok.... were the best thing that had ever happened to the makeup artist. And everything would be just perfect if they didn't have to get married in two months and move on without Jimin. The male shook his head shrugging bitter thoughts. He was tired of thinking about the future. Jimin decided to stop worrying that much and enjoy what he had at the present.

"Whatcha doin?" Someone's slender hand landed on Jimin's shoulder and a second later it got replaced with Taehyung's head. The model sheepishly smiled at his friend, obviously a bit tipsy.

"Nothing interesting unlike you. I see you haven't lost time and are already lightheaded, aren't you?" Jimin giggled and poked his sides. Taehyung wriggled away from other's tiny fingers and flashed his boxy smile at Jimin.

"I haven't drunk that much. Just few bottles of champagne..."

"Few bottles?!" Jimin exclaimed, his eyes nearly popping from the sockets.

"Yeah, it isn't a big deal. I'm actually good at it. I'm a liiiiitle bit tipsy right now. Nothing more."

Jimin sarcastically looked at the model, hardly believing his confidence that he was good at drinking. Especially that the male was already easily losing his balance.

"Okay, come here, you should sit." He tried to walk Taehyung to the closest chair but the model wasn't having it.

"You'll have to catch me first!" The blue haired exclaimed with childish excitement and disappeared in a crowd before Jimin managed to utter a word.

Hell nah. Jimin definitely wasn't in a mood for game of tag. Especially with his little "problem" bothering him the whole evening. Well, the thing was that.... he had butt plug up his ass. Yep, his punishment wasn't finished just yet. Not that his lovers were still mad at him or something, they rather enjoyed testing Jimin's limits.

"Is everything okay baby boy?" Hoseok's joyful voice brought Jimin back to reality. The makeup artist didn't even notice when he walked up to the small buffet full with Seokjin's delicious treats. The young chef was finally receiving much deserved recognition and Jimin couldn't be happier for his friend. But at that very moment his head was preoccupied with something else.

"I would have been much better if your boyfriend hasn't plugged this thing in my ass!" Jimin whisper-yelled at Hoseok who knowingly grinned, obviously satisfied for some reason.

"You're lucky he hadn't noticed your encounter with Taehyung, or he would have used that remote controller and increased level of vibration for few bars."

"But Tae is just my friend!" Jimin pouted at unfairness and crossed his arms, looking like a cute and angry duckling. Hoseok barely held himself back from kissing that pout away.

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