I finally reach the flat, feeling a little out of breath, and yes, I did leave my inhaler home, so sue me.

I unlock the door, kicking off my shoes quietly. I'm about to sneak back into my bedroom, when a waft of cooking breaks through, and I see Zayn at the stove, humming under his breath to the tunes coming from his phone.

He turns his head, grinning. "Happy birthday! Where'd you go?"

I scratch my cheek, looking down. "Thanks. I went to get some more toothpaste, I ran out," I lie, stumbling slightly over my words.

Zayn tilts his head. "Well, you could've stolen some of ours, m sure Lou and Marie wouldn't have minded."

I smile. "Thanks. I'm gonna go change, I feel like an Eskimo." I look down to my joggers (not mine, they're actually Louis' I've claimed them as my own now) and my thick wool jumper under my hoodie.

I take a quick shower, having a little cry, allowing my tears to be washed away with the soapy water. I can't help it, I'm an emotional twat today. I dress in my black skinny jeans and a pink floral shirt, compose myself a little before walking out into the kitchen, taking a seat.

Zayn grins widely at me, coming over and giving me a hug and peck on the cheek. "The baby of the group is growing up so fast. I hope you're hungry, I made your favourite maple syrup pancakes."

My stomach rumbles at the news. My head screams no, wanting to keep the streak up of not having too many sugary, unhealthy treats.

"Thanks, mate," I mumble, taking a sip of water from the glass on the table.

A door opens, and arms instantly wrap around my waist, a kiss being placed on my neck. "Good morning, baby," he quietly says into my ear. "Happy birthday."

I pat his hands from where they rest on my chest, giving his knuckles a graze with my lips. "Thanks, boo."

"Z, can you make my pancakes with Nutella, por favor." Louis perches beside me, flopping his temple onto my shoulder.

Zayn nods, sighs. "Yes, your majesty."

Louis mocks a bow and I giggle.

When Zayn has almost finished, there's a quick tap at the front door, before it's being pushed open.

"Where is the birthday boy, huh? Where is Harry Edward Styles? Where is the now fully grown adult according to America?" Niall's voice echoes loudly, and he comes into the room with a paper bag strung across his wrist.

He ruffles my long hair, grinning down at me. "Happy twenty first, H! You are officially able to drink wherever the fuck you want in other countries. Congratulations."

"It's not like I'm going to America anytime soon," I say back, shaking my head, cheeks warm with blush.

Liam gives me a hug, wishes me happy birthday, before going to Zayn for a kiss.

Niall looks around the room. "Is she not even up yet? I mean, come on, everyone has to wake up early for birthdays!" He sighs heavily, and storms over to Marie's room.

There's a screech, and a string of swears following. We turn our heads to find Niall carrying Marie out her room, firefighter lift style. He plops her down beside me.

She rubs sleep out of her eyes, stifling a yawn. "Happy bday, n all that. Can I go back to bed now?"

"No." Niall is shaking his head, arms crossed over his torso.

She grumbles something under her breath, holding her hand out to the coffee maker. Zayn quickly whips her up one, sliding her mug toward her.

He plates up the pancakes next, slathering Nutella onto Louis' and Niall's. He places some cut up fruit into bowls, placing them in the middle.

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now