☽ Double Dates Suck ☾

Start from the beginning

Vivian scoffed when Tara wiggled her eyebrows. She pushed her lightly aside fully turning away from her clothes. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I've never seen you stress this much about clothes when you go bowling with Stiles." Tara commented laying back on the bed.

"Yeah, also half of my clothes are from Stiles or You." Vivian deflected. "Plus, fashion queen Lydia will be there."

"I thought you didn't care about peoples opinions?" Tara asked tilting her head.

"I don't. But Lydia is Sydney's best friend so I should get on better terms with her." Vivian said begrudgingly accepting the fact that she might have to be nice to Lydia.

"Yeah. What's up with that?" Tara asked.

"With what." Vivian turned around putting her hands on her hips.

"You and Sydney." Tara said hesitantly. "Is it about.. you know?"

Vivian took a deep breath considering. "I honestly couldn't tell you."

Tara was still wrapping her head around the idea of Sydney being a werewolf. She trusted her but Sydney also is the reason Jackson knows about that stupid nickname. Tara doesn't understand why Sydney hasn't told Stiles, either. She surprised Vivian hasn't. Vivian tells Stiles about almost everything. But Tara trusts Vivian with her life and is just going to go along with the lie.

"Have you told Stiles that you won't make Star Wars night again?"


Even though she won't be on the date, she was still asked to hang out before hand. So Sydney was sitting with Lydia on Allison's bed while they waited for her to choose an outfit. She grabbed a brown spotted black dress holding it up to Lydia and Sydney.

"Mmm. Pass." Lydia said after a moment with Sydney nodding along. Sydney wasn't as good at fashion as Lydia so she let her take the lead.

Allison shuffled through for another minute pulling out a multi color blouse holding it up.

"Pass." Lydia said immediately. She then stood up and walked over to the closet with Allison. "Let me see."

Lydia looked through the clothes getting more and more disgusted. "Pass, pass, pass. Ugh pass all of it."

"It can't be that bad." Sydney said walking over and looking through the options. "It's not that bad."

"I wouldn't trust your fashion sense, no offense." Lydia joked looking Sydney up and down. "And Allison, respect for your taste is, uh, dwindling by the second."

Lydia then pulled another piece of clothing looking it over and then looking back. She then walked a little bit farther before smiling and nodding slightly. "This."

Allison takes the shirt and looking at herself in the mirror when her dad walks in. Sydney tensed next to Lydia, before trying to calm herself back down. Sydney put on a polite smile trying to act as normal as possible.

"Dad, hello?" Allison asked confused.

"Right. I'm sorry. I completely forgot to knock." Chris realized.

"Hi, Mr. Argent." Lydia said falling back on Allison's bed in a casual way.

"Hello." Sydney said with a now awkward smile, turning to look at Lydia instead.

"Dad, do you need something?" Allison asked.

"I wanted to tell you that you'll be staying here tonight." Chris said putting on his jacket.

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