Act 24 (3/3): 'Love Is An Explosion!'

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Author: Time for a proposal. Next part is another Runeterra part once again in Bilgewater. This part may not be the most exciting to read due to the many characters in it.

You run through Piltover avoiding the people of the city, who naturally look at you weirdly. You rummage through your pockets and pull out a ring.

Y/N: This is a really nice ring.

You feel something jump into your shoulder and you look to your left to see Sally.

Y/N: Oh hey Sally... Yeah this is a nice ring. Today is the day that I will propose to Jinx... Thanks... I just need the finishing touch... It's at home.

(Timeskip - An hour later)

You stop at the bridge and grab a coin from inside your robotic arm. You then throw it into your water.

Y/N: Wish me luck Nautilus!

You continue running across the bridge with Sally on your shoulder.

Y/N: I was thinking about what to say to Jinx and I was wondering if I could run it by you... That's cool with you right?

Sally nods.

Y/N: Your hair is so blue that I love you... Marry me.

Sally stares at you unamused like most skulls.

Y/N:... That bad huh? How about... Your my baby mama so... But I haven't... Fine! Then how about... Every moment separated sucks... A lot so marry me please.

Sally skullpalms and then leans closer towards your ear whispering despite not needing to.

Y/N: That doesn't sound half bad... Thanks for the help Sally. You really are a good friend... When you want to be.

(Timeskip - An hour and five minutes)

You walk past the Zaunites hired by Renata Glasc. You've met her a few times and she's liked your inventions so she agreed to help you out.

Y/N: Wow this place is really coming along nicely.

Sally nods in agreement as you walk over to the place where your old counter was. Your reach down and pick up a box made of magically enhanced Platinum. You open the box to reveal your collection of Hex crystals.

Y/N: Good they're still inside... Now let's turn one of these into the perfect gem for the ring.

You put the box away but hold onto one of the crystals. You place it on a large piece of debris still left inside.

Y/N: Sally do you mind fetching me my special hammer and chisel?

Sally leaps off and looks for your required tools as you place the ring beside the Hex crystal. You focus your mana into the crystal.

Y/N: Now it will be easier to mold into the shape of my choosing... Which of course will be a shark.

Sally leaps back onto your shoulder and passes you your tools. You place the chisel on the refined Hex crystal then begin hammering it into the desired shape.

(Timeskip - Seventeen minutes later)

Y/N: Perfect... Now to put it into the ring.

You shove it into the ring then focus mana into it in order to stick it into place. You hold it high into the air with a wide smile.

Y/N: Duh duh duh duuuuuuhhhh!

Sally uses one of her metal spider legs to give you an attempt at a thumbs up... Despite the lack of thumbs.

Jinx x male reader ( A different Arcane) [Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now