Act 14 (2/3): 'Please Just Die!'

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Author: The title is not targeted at anyone unless you're a spider... No offense spiders, I just don't trust you.

Like the fastest man alive whether it be the flash or Bolt, you ran with Sally upon your shoulder as you fled into the dark hallway while being chased by who knows how many spiders.

Y/N: I hate spiders! Why can't they be small spiders! Fuck!

Sally shakes her head feeling ashamed at the moment to be friends with someone scared of spiders despite their frightening size.

Y/N: Sally laser them! Kill them!

Sally sighs before lasering spiders one by one but despite the lasers, the spiders are tough and are large in numbers.

Y/N: Please just die! I really hate spiders!... I can't help but to repeat myself. Have you seen them?! So what if you have eight robotic legs?!

You take a turn and hear the sound of crashing and scuttling feet behind you. Unfortunately the wall that quite a few spiders crashed into were not enough to kill any.

Y/N:... You look nothing like a spider and besides, I don't hate them because they have lots of legs! I mean look at those creepy faces!... I am not sad... I am being reasonably terrified for my life!

Higher up in the temple, Ezreal and Jinx run through the temple to find a spider-free way down.

Ezreal: There should be a staircase some way up this path.

Jinx: If you have a map that shows spiders, why doesn't it show any traps like the boulder?

Ezreal: I didn't make the map... Besides it doesn't exactly mention spiders. It's just the level below is named the level of fear with a spider symbol next to it.

Jinx: So there might not be spiders? Few, that's a relief because.   Y/N really hates their faces. And if he ran into spiders, he wouldn't have me to comfort him... Sally isn't exactly good at comforting.

Ezreal: I mean I didn't exactly rule out spiders...

Jinx turns to Ezreal panicking.

Ezreal: But surely the spiders would be dead by now...

Ezreal laughs nervously trying to comfort Jinx. Ezreal nudges Jinx's shoulder with a smile.

Ezreal: I wouldn't worry so much... Caitlyn told me Y/N is quite formidable and that sword looked pretty effective at killing spiders anway.

Jinx: True but... When he saw a spider on Sally's forehead, he screamed and threw Gold over Sally before running upstairs... I'm worried about him... My little idiot.

Ezreal: Well it is kind of his fault... I did say to jump left.

Jinx glares at Ezreal clearly upset at him for blaming you.

Ezreal: But we all make mistakes...

Ezreal laughs nervously once again before pointing ahead after spotting the stairs.

Ezreal: Let's go find your little idiot.

Jinx's face turns onto a smile as she runs ahead of Ezreal, who goes to grab a torch from the wall so he can see better.

Back with you and Sally, you slide to a stop as you find yourself at a dead end. You begin panicking even more as you start touching the wall all over.

Y/N: Come on! Come on there has to be a way out! No no no no no noooo!

You turn around with you back touching the wall well more Gold is. You stare ahead as the army of spiders scuttle towards you despite Sally's lasers.

Jinx x male reader ( A different Arcane) [Being Rewritten]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt