Y/Ns Across Runeterra Part 2

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Author: Time for a Bilgewater life... This was A bit harder to do than the previous one but I hope it is still enjoyable.

A month has passed since the battle. While your new home/shop is under construction you have been living with Vi and Caitlyn in there new house. The house is pretty big. You've managed to rebuild your Hexgate and put it in a spare room.

Vi and Caitlyn only allowed you to put the Hexgate into the spare room because they wanted to use it to go on holiday. You, Jinx, Sally, Caitlyn and Vi where sitting in the dining room.

Vi: How long does the construction on your shop house take?... You've been here forever.

Caitlyn: Oh come on Vi... They've been wonderful company.

Vi: Yeah yeah... But seeing Y/N in the morning just makes me disappointed in life.

Y/N: Hey!

Jinx: Y/N isn't that bad.

Y/N: Once again... Hey!

You sat next to Jinx while Sally sits at the top of you tall chair while Caitlyn and Vi Sat opposite you three.

Jinx: We should do another big drawing... Do you two wanna join in?

Vi: Absolutely not... I have no interest in your weird Y/N stories... I'm going to go for a walk.

Vi gets and before she can get to the door, she stops to look back at Caitlyn. Caitlyn is still sitting in her seat twiddling her thumbs.

Vi: Cupcake you coming?

Caitlyn: Well... I would actually like to join in the drawing. I am quite curious as to how fun it might be.

Vi: You're not serious are you?

Caitlyn:... I am.

Vi: Okay... Just don't blame me if you become traumatised.

After Vi leaves, you place a large piece of paper between the three of you. Sally just watches from atop your chair.

Jinx: It will be set in Bilgewater... Caitlyn if you have any questions just ask.

Caitlyn: I will... I honestly don't know much about Bilgewater.

Region: Bilgewater

Title: The Sea's Fist

Love Interest: Illaoi

Origin: You were born on the coast of Bilgewater. You're mother was a monster Hunter while your dad was a simple fisherman. You would train your muscles at day and fish with your dad at night. When you turned 18, you went on your first monster hunt with your mother and proved yourself making your mother proud.

You quickly earned the title of 'The Sea's Fist' making your parents proud. Eventually your mother have you get ship, 'The Great Sally'. You would sometimes go into pubs challenging people to arm wrestles and win every time. One day you witnessed the horrors of a huge demonic sea creature attacking the shore of Bilgewater.

Even with your strength, you could not defeat the beast but it was slain by the Kraken Priestess. You watched in awe at her power and beauty. If it wasn't for her you and your parents would have perished. From that day forward you would seek to learn all you could about Illaoi.


You stood at the wheel of Sally daydreaming about Illaoi. Your crew of monster hunters were celebrating as a two headed shark hung from the ship's mast.

Jinx x male reader ( A different Arcane) [Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now