Act 23 (3/3): 'Ring Hunting'

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Author: Avaad is the best Darkin name I could come up with.

In darkness a bright red light flies round roaring in anger.

Avaad: I am Avaad! How could I have been defeated so easily?!

Another red light appears but much smaller compared to Avaad.

Darkin: Avaad. You are reacting all wrong... This is a win.

Avaad: Being defeated and sent to wherever this is... Is a win?

Darkin: Of course... You've been freed from you prison and now you can choose to return to the land of Runeterra... Free.

Avaad: Who are you?

Darkin: I'm you... One half of you anyway. We will return and we must find each other so that we may return to our true form.

Avaad laughs villainously.

Avaad: Runeterra will fall before the might of...

Avaad and Darkin: Avaad!

In the Immortal bastion you are running from Vi. After a brief moment of being chased by Vi that ended in you being punched in the shoulder, the two of you walk through streets. You were listening to Vi talk about rings.

Vi: Jinx needs a ring that she'll love and make her think of you. It will also need to fit her and fortunately as her sister I have measured her fingers.

Y/N: That sounds weird but I guess that is normal... Not that I would know.

Vi crosses her arms and looks at with a forces closed eye grin.

Vi: I can always punch you again.

Y/N:... Sorry.

Vi: That's what I thought... As I was saying we're going to need a base with a gem. How familiar with the gems of Noxus are you?

Y/N: I don't really think they have much unique and worthwhile gems.

Vi: If that is the case then you will need to get a gem elsewhere... Thanks to LeBlanc's help I know that there is a ring shop here in the city.

Y/N: Okay... Who exactly is LeBlanc again?

Vi: Not important... If we are lucky there will be a gemless base that will be perfect. You'll just need to find a gem to put in the base then you can propose.

Y/N: Won't the ring be expensive?

Vi stops causing you to stop in confusion. She turns to you with a not so amused look.

Vi: Do you take me for an idiot?

Y/N:... I shall not answer that as I do not want to get punched.

Vi: I'll let that one slide... I know you are Jinx are loaded after stealing all that money.

Y/N: I don't know what you mean.

Vi: The only reason you haven't been arrested for taking the money is because you and Jinx have done a lot for the twin cities and...

Y/N: And?

Vi sighs.

Vi: And because I have no idea where your keeping the money. He'll I've checked your shop several times... I even looked in your creepy ass basement.

Y/N: Wait what basement?

Vi: The one.... Below your shop home... Obviously.

Y/N: I had no idea I even had a basement.

Vi: You didn't?

Y/N: Nope... It probably belonged to the previous owner.

Vi: I guess that would explain why it is so empty apart for the bones.

Jinx x male reader ( A different Arcane) [Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now