Act 11 (2/3): 'You Will Be Tested'

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Author: Almost the end of 2021. This year sure went by fast... Well not really since it's pretty much the same every year but it feels fast.

Everyone arrived at the Nagakabouros temple, Marvin carrying you over his shouder.

Fizz: Are you sure they won't try to eat me?

Marvin looks to Fizz with as much of a smile as he can muster despite the concerning situation that they are in.

Marvin: Of course, you only have to worry if you're undead or being tested and found unworthy by the serpent mother... Illaoi most likely won't test you but I can't be 100% sure.

Jinx: Can this Illoshi really help Y/N?

Jinx looks to Marvin with sadness on her face.

Marvin: Of course... It's actually Illaoi.

Confusion appears in Jinx's face.

Jinx: Illama?

Marvin: No... Copy me, Illah.

Jinx: Illah!

Marvin: Way.

Jinx: Way!

Marvin: Illaoi.

Jinx: Illawoo...

Marvin shakes his head as they pass the main entrance.

Jinx: Illaoi?

Marvin: That's it!

The group continue forwards being led by two priests of Nagakabouros while Sally sits atop Jinx's shoulder looking at other priests staring at them either with curiosity or with mistrust.

Jinx: Some of them don't seem to like us... Are you sure this is the best way to help Y/N?

Marvin: It's the closest and the priests grow the herbs to counteract the Wharf rat bite... Not all of the priests of Nagakabouros are trusting towards outsiders... But don't fault them for it.

Jinx: If you say so.

A rather too and muscular woman with green tattoos carrying a large sphere, which is her idol, walks towards them with a smile upon her face.

Illaoi: Marvin... It is good to see you again. Who might your friends be?

Marvin: I'm glad to see you too Illaoi... I'm afraid I've not come for a chat, this young man...

Marvin places you down on the ground and grabs your bitten leg showing it to Illaoi with concern clearly seen on his face.

Marvin: He needs treatment, he was bitten by a Wharf rat.

Illaoi: I see...

Illaoi looks to one of her priests and boss signalling them to get the herbs.

Illaoi: Bring him to the shrine... We'll treat him there.

(Timeskip - Ten minutes later)

Jinx: He'll be alright, right?

Illaoi: He just needs some rest... Tell me what is your name?

Jinx: It's Jinx and this is Sally.

Jinx points to Sally, who just waves a metal leg at Illaoi attempting a smile because smiling is a definite possibility for skulls.

Fizz: I'm Fizz!

Fizz says excitedly not wanting to be left out. Jinx them points to you attempting to smile despite her inner panic.

Jinx: And that's Y/N... My lover from another mother... Wait does that make sense?

Marvin: Well it's quite a weird thing to say... Maybe you should avoid saying that in future.

Jinx x male reader ( A different Arcane) [Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now