Act 15 (2/3): 'Doctors Are Not Your Friends'

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Author: Mundo doesn't look nearly as menacing as the image above but it is still good image.

You, Jinx, Ekko and Zeri ran through the not so sane asylum being chased by Mundo the self-proclaimed doctor. You currently still holding Jinx look back at the laughing not so gentle giant as he carries his large bonesaw.

Y/N: Yep this is why people don't like doctors!

Zeri and Ekko look to you as Jinx nods in agreement whilst in your arms.

Y/N: Doctors are not your friends... Well I mean some are... But not the proper medical ones... Singed is a good friend but he's a chemist doctor.

Zeri: You know Mundo isn't actually a doctor right?

Ekko shakes his head at Zeri.

Ekko: Z... Don't bother, I told you he and Jinx are just impossible to talk sense into.

Zeri: Okaaaayyy.

Y/N: Z?... That's a good nickname.

Ekko: Thanks but now isn't the time!

Y/N: What? Why not?

Ekko: Big purple man chasing us remember?

You look at Ekko confused before turning around to look at Mundo with a look of realization.

Y/N: Oh yeeeaaahhh... I forgot about him for a second.

Zeri: How?

Ekko: Z...

Zeri: Sorry... How is even purple anyway? It looks like shimmer is running through him and a whole lot of it but I've never seen shimmer make someone completely purple.

Ekko: Not sure... It isn't even wearing off... I thought the shimmer supplies were taken care off.

Jinx: Oh yeah... They were but someone broke into Singed's lab stealing the formula.

Y/N: I mean I did copy the formula so Gold doesn't run out.

Ekko: Well as long as it doesn't get anyone killed, I'm alright with you using shimmer.

Y/N: You know Gold is my sword right?... Swords tend to get people killed.

Ekko: I meant innocents, dummy.

Y/N: Oh right... Is anyone really innocent though?

Ekko gives you an impressed look as Zeri slides to a stop ahead of you as you all stop at a dead end. You all turn around to see Mundo slowing down.

Mundo: The game over already?... Oh well... Time for amputation.

Zeri looks from side to side noticing a cell on either side.

Zeri: Hey guys... Get in the cells.

You, Jinx and Ekko look to Zeri. Ekko quickly understands and runs into the right cell while Jinx jumps out your arms and drags you into the other cell.

Zeri: Hey Mundo?!

Mundo: Yes... You need Mundo's help?

Zeri: Ever hear the saying lightning never strikes the same place twice?

Mundo: Mundo is familiar... Have you been struck by lightning?

Zeri grins.

Zeri: That saying isn't necessarily true when it comes to me...

Zeri grabs her gun as her eyes flow brightly as electricity begins to spark off Zeri all over.

Zeri: I am lightning!

Jinx x male reader ( A different Arcane) [Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now