Act 24 (1/3): 'Lots Of Metal'

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Author: This part is a bit of a mess but I hope you still enjoy it.

You pick up Jinx bridal style as you don't want your pregnant girlfriend exhausting herself. Vi and Caitlyn walk a different way to look for Sally.

Y/N: Where do you think Sally could be?

Jinx: Well if this was back home, I'd say with Camille... But in Noxus... I am not sure.

Y/N: What was the last thing you remember doing with her?

Jinx: We were at Katarina's mansion... Which is huge by the way.

Y/N: Really?... Like Caitlyn's parents mansion?

Jinx: I actually think it was bigger... But only a little bit bigger.

Y/N: Wow.

Jinx: Anyway... We were looking at Katarina's boxes of gifts and looking for a ring...

You stop on the spot and your eyes widen.

Jinx: What's wrong?

Y/N: Ring? What ring?

You laugh nervously causing Jinx's eyebrow to raise.

Jinx: A ring for Caitlyn to propose to Vi with.

Y/N: Oh.

You continue walking with Jinx in your arms.

Jinx: And then I found a ring with half of Avaad then well... Caitlyn said she might have went with Katarina to chase after Avaad.

Y/N: And Katarina said she didn't see her... So perhaps Sally was following her but... Oh no.

Jinx: What's wrong?

Y/N: What if she was skullnapped... Do you think she was?

Jinx: Why would she take a nap?

Y/N: No I mean kidnapped but because she is a skull... Skullnapped.

Jinx: Ohhhhh... Why would someone take Sally?

Y/N: I don't know.

Jinx: I may know someone who can help... Head to the Tri-tower.

Somewhere else in the Immortal bastion, Vi and Caitlyn look around the area.

Vi: Why couldn't Y/N be the missing one... It's not going to be easy to find a skull.

Caitlyn: Sally has a name you know.

Vi: Right.

Caitlyn: By the way... Did you find a ring?

Vi: Yeah I did... But I haven't gotten the chance to give it to Y/N yet... That idiot.

Caitlyn: At least you got a ring.

Caitlyn slightly pulls out a ring and smiles it at. She sneaks a glance at Vi to make sure she isn't looking before putting it back in her pocket.

Back with you and Jinx. You are looking around in awe at the empty secret room known as the base of the Black Rose.

Y/N: What is this place?

Jinx: Not important... LeBlanc you here?!

Out of the darkness Cassiopeia appears. You and Jinx wave at her with smiles on your face.

Y/N and Jinx: Hi.

Cassiopeia: Uh hi... What brings you two... Here?

Cassiopeia stares at you mainly as you were not supposed to know about the secret base of the Black Rose.

Jinx x male reader ( A different Arcane) [Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now