Act 15 (3/3): 'A Stormy Night'

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Author: Next season may be a bit gloomy but probably later on in the season.

Janna: You meet your end!

Y/N: Oh no.

You feel the wind slam against you as you watch the wind spirit stare at you whilst you fly through the air.

(Flashback - Two hours ago)

You, Jinx and Sally were flying through Zaun by the use of the single hoverboard that officially belongs to you now since you helped Ekko.

Y/N: Looks like no leads on Elmo's whereabouts today either.You

Jinx peaks over your shoulder to look at you.

Jinx: It has been a month since we met him... Maybe he's on vacation.

Y/N: Probably... I don't think Mundo left with him but no one seems to have seen a purple madman running around... I am not a madman! How many times must I tell you Sally, I am a Lunatic?!

Jinx: Those clouds look quite upset.

You and Sally stop trying to strangle one another, which was mostly you being strangled since Sally doesn't have a neck. The three of you look up at the stormy clouds.

Y/N: Looks like we're going to have a stormy night.

Suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes your hoverboard causing the three of you to be sent flying off it as it crashes into a wall. The three of you somehow are launched in different directions.

Y/N: Ow.

You get up and find yourself on the roof of the Last Drop. You drop down in front of the bouncers in front scaring them slightly.

Y/N: Sup.

You just walk away to look for Jinx and Sally. The two bouncers watch you with a confused and judging look.

Bouncer (1): Where the heck did he come from?

Bouncer (2): He came from the sky... I told you I heard a noise above.

Bouncer (1): That was just a coincidence.You

Bouncer (2): Darnit! You never believe me!

The second bouncer cross his arms and pouts as the other just looks forwards in boredom. You continue walking while occasionally gazing up at the stormy above.

Y/N: That storm better not be Zeri's doing... Wait is Zeri friends with storm clouds? Can someone be friends with storm clouds?

Elsewhere in Zaun, Jinx is chasing a few tiny robots rolling away each with one of her guns. She recently crash landed in a scrap site where the tiny bits found her weapons laying.

Jinx: Hey gives those back you stupid rustbuckets! *Jinx help meeeeee!* Don't worry guys, I'm coming to save you!

Elsewhere Sally stares boredly into the distance as she hovers above the ground tangled up in someone's washing line. She hears a noise and looks to her left and spots a grinning blue haired woman.

Woman: So you're the infamous Sally... Yes I know who you are?

Sally looks shocked both from the fact this woman knows who she is and how she can hear her.

Woman: You may be the work of the Void with the ability to choose who hears you but I am spirit so of course I can hear you... No not like a ghost. More like a powerful being born from the elements.

The woman clicks her fingers and suddenly it begins to rain down on Sally but the rain aims directly into Sally pushing her out of the washing line.

Yanna: You may call me Yanna. Yanna the rain spirit and the youngest of what I call the weather sisters. Even though we aren't really related.

Jinx x male reader ( A different Arcane) [Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now