Easter Special: 'Run From The Easter Devil'

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Author: Happy Early Easter probably... Unless it isn't Easter then you are reading then happy life.

You, Jinx and Sally head back to the street where you appeared in Noxus and wave goodbye to Darius and Draven before returning to Zaun to celebrate Easter.

Y/N: Time to eat as much chocolate as we physically can...

Jinx: Then puke everywhere!

Y/N: Yeah!... Idiots? You're just jealous we can eat and puke chocolate eggs.

Sally shakes her head significantly disgusted by the idea of puking chocolate. You look around realising you are not actually in your shop but still in Zaun.

Y/N: Were in Zaun... But why aren't we at the shop?

Jinx: The Hexgate must have malfunctioned.

Y/N: Awwww... Fixing it is such a pain.

Jinx: Do we have chocolate eggs at home?

You look at Jinx then turn to Sally hoping for answer. She shakes her head once again. You turn to Jinx with a disappointed look.

Y/N: Apparently not.

Jinx: I know... You to buy us some chocolate eggs for Easter and I'll head home and repair the Hexgate... Okay?

Y/N: You got yourself a deal!... I sure hope they have some of that delicious Freljordian chocolate.

Jinx: Oh yeah... Nothing beats Freljordian chocolate... Except bullets and explosions.

Y/N: And the sun.

Jinx: True... Chocolate is very easily destroyed now that I think about it...

Jinx looks to Sally sitting on your shoulder staring are her questionably.

Jinx:... Well you never know when you might need to fight chocolate.

Y/N: I hope that never happens... I love chocolate too much. I wouldn't want to go to war with it.

Jinx: Yeah... I feel like we are getting a bit distracted... There's no need to be sarcastic Sally. I'll start calling you sarcastic Sally if you keep up your sarcastic attitude.

Y/N: She's just jealous she can't eat chocolate... Oh stop glaring at me. Well see you soon, Blue.

Jinx: See you soon, my idiot.

You exchange a kiss as most couples do before leaving in separate directions. You head to the chocolate shop in Zaun because those exist in Zaun. (For plot convenience)

(Timeskip - Half an hour later)

You arrive at the shop and see Jericho and Theorem at the counter. You and Sally briefly glance at each other before returning your attention to your two friends.

Y/N: What are you two doing here? Do you work here now?

Jericho smiles brightly at you that you almost mistake him for god. Theorem just shrugs nervously.

Theorem: Y-Yeah... With Sevika still away from Zaun. The Last Drop is closed so I got a job here and due to it being Easter... I asked if Jericho could help me since it has been quite busy.

Jericho nods in agreement.

Y/N: Cool... You got chocolate eggs still in stock right?

Theorem: O-Of course... W-What would you l-like?

Y/N: You got any Freljordian chocolate eggs?

Theorem: We do... coldest chocolate in the world. How many would you like?

Jinx x male reader ( A different Arcane) [Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now