Chapter 1 - A New World

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WC : 245

'A new season, a new world,' Xisuma thought to himself. He was the admin of Hermitcraft, a well known server made up of elite builders and redstoners from all over Minecraft.

They were just wrapping up season 5 and getting ready to move to season 6. Everyone was gathered in the shopping district chatting excitedly while they waited for him to use his admin powers to create a portal to the next world.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone between," he called into the crowd as they all shushed each other and listened to his speech. "Today we move to the newest season of hermitcraft! I'm just as sad to leave this world as I am overjoyed to see what this new world might have in store for us. As usual, I will hold the portal open while the rest of you head into the new world. Stick together once on the other side cause we don't know what the new territory will have in store for us." He announced as he opened his fist towards the portal frame he had built, a small amount of lime green magic blasted towards the portal as it opened.

His fellow hermits rushed towards the portal going in one after the other until he was the last one left. He took one last glance at the world of season 5 before stepping into the portal, saying goodbye forever.

On the other side of the portal he looked up to see vast hills sprawling on for what seemed like ages, large oak trees covered in vines and overgrown bushes dotted them, and a small river spiraled through the hills. The other hermits were gasping at the beauty of the new world. 'It's official, this is going to be an amazing season.'

Dear Reader,

Two chapters in the same night! A great start! Still a short chapter and I'm sorry about that but I will try to make the next ones longer, I'm hoping for 500 per chapter but it'll really depend on if I get into a flow or not. See you next chapter.

With warm regards,

Star (She/They)

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