Chapter 25 - Season 6

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WC : 464

It was so bright, Xelqua's, Grian's head still hurt. Sitting up he noticed Mumbo asleep, leaning on the end of the bed. He couldn't remember everything but he did remember some things, he remembered meeting him, he remembered their first kiss, he remembered that moment in the meadow, and he remembered losing him. He felt like he had just watched a movie composed of the key moments in his life. "My love?" He tapped the sleeping figure.


Mumbo was being gently shaken, he had fallen asleep at Grian's bedside the best night sleep he had gotten since Stress had disappeared, his life being so chaotic. "Hmm," He rubbed sleep from his eyes, slowly coming to his senses.

"My love," Grian's soft voice made his eyes water up. He had to be asleep still, this was either the best dream or the worst nightmare, there was no way Grian was actually here. Mumbo reached out to touch his face, Grian sinking into his touch. "I can remember you now my love, I can't remember everything but I can remember the important things. I can remember us."

A tear fell down his cheek followed by several others. "Never leave me again," he leaned forward to wrap his arms around his feathered wings, tucking his face into Grians's shoulder. "I thought I would never get you back." Grian chuckled slightly, kissing the top of his head.

"I promise I won't."


It had been four days since they got Grian back, Xisuma could finally make a portal to get them out of Evo and into Hermitcraft season 6. He and Grian had been talking and he had offered a spot as a hermit to the ex-watcher. Everyone was welcoming Grian to the group while Xisuma prepared the portal, well everyone but Etho who was grumbling in the corner but thankfully not objecting.

"My fellow hermits, these past few months have been chaotic but we stuck together and our bonds have been made even stronger. We welcome a new member to come with us as we head into a new season," Xisuma turned around and lit the portal, "I would now like to welcome you to Hermitcraft Season Six."


Leaving was exciting yet somber, Grian couldn't wait for a change of scenery and Xisuma had promised to make a watcher proof border around the server so he was finally going to be free of the watchers. He was sad to be leaving his home but had said goodbye to his friends' graves earlier that day and promised to make a version in the new world. Finally it was his turn to step into the new world, he stole one last glance at his world, taking a deep breath and mentally saying goodbye before stepping into the warm glow of Xisuma's portal

Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for reading my book, I never thought that it would gain this much attention and will be forever grateful. If you have any ideas for another book that you would like made feel free to put them in the comments. Now I shall take my final bow, see you in the next book.

With warm regards,

Star (She/They)

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