Chapter 6 - Distance

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Grian flew over the camp, his shadow falling over some of the hermits as they looked up at him. Four of the hermits, Xisuma and three others he didn't know the names of. Grian was trying not to get attached to the hermits, the best way to do so was to distance himself as much as possible and try not to learn names. 'They'll leave me alone eventually, why should I get attached to them only to be left behind?' He reasoned with himself. 'It's for their own good, if the watchers come back they'll be safe.' He shivered at the thought of the watchers finding him again but could never be too sure they wouldn't. He limited his flights and only ever used his magic in life or death situations, anything to stay out of sight. He hadn't even built a single thing in the years he had been living here, a challenge seeing as he loved building.

"Make sure Grian doesn't suspect you." He heard one of the hermits he didn't know whisper. Even though he was probably too far away to hear if he were still human, being a watcher meant that he could hear twice as far. At the sound of his name Grian eyes darted up to the group as they all parted ways, leaving the creeper hybrid alone. The creeper looked up at him and immediately dropped his gaze, sneaking out of his view.

Grian knew the hermits didn't trust him. Most stayed away like he was the plague, they never made eye contact, and they kept whispering about him when they thought he couldn't hear. Only one hermit talked to him, a tall dark haired human who wore a fake mustache called Mumbo. The hermit seemed to still avoid prolonged eye contact with him but not out of fear but something more delicate and shy.

"Hi Grian," Grian was so caught up in thought that he didn't hear the very same hermit he was just thinking about approche from behind.

"Oh!" Grian leapt up in surprise, smoothing his wings in embarrassment after realizing who had scared him. "Don't sneak up on me like that," he warned, trying to sound lighthearted.

"Sorry, I didn't realize you didn't hear me," Mumbo laughed, the type of laugh that was infectious and made everyone else laugh. Grian couldn't understand what about this hermit made him so hard to distance himself from.

"I'm sorry, I've got to go sort my socks," he blurted out an excuse and quickly flew away landing at the edge of the forest and walking in.


Mumbo stood there confused, he had thought the avian was warming up to him but apparently he thought wrong. He walked away in defeat, he had been trying to get the handsome bird to warm up to him but now felt like he had taken three steps back.

Dear Reader,

I totally didn't wake up at 1pm, that wasn't me. I hope you enjoy this part, I'm trying to build into the Grian and Mumbo ship. (I don't ship real people only the characters, shipping real people is just weird.)

With warm regards,

Star (She/They)

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