Chapter 20 - Aftermath

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WC : 241

Mumbo was in immense pain, his back felt like it was on fire and his tears stung as they fell down his face. He knew he was on the ground because of its cold touch on his skin. Everything was fuzzy but he couldn't faintly hear arguing somewhere in the distance. "Xisuma, listen to us!" Someone was begging. "We need to get him back, he's been such a huge part of this group, he may not like to talk much but a lot of us actually enjoy having him around."

"I know Scar, trust me I know," Xisuma sounded stressed, "we need to get out of here first."

"I agree X," a new voice chimed in, this one sounded kind of like Doc.

"Doc? You've been against him this entire time, why change your mind now?" Etho questioned

"I don't see why I shouldn't trust him anymore, he just traded himself for Mumbo," Doc reasoned, "besides, he was clearly terrified of this place. Why would we leave him inside of his worst nightmare."

"So you just suddenly trust him now? He didn't spell you or anything right? I heard that watcher's could wipe entire sections of a person's memory."

"Enough," Xisuma grabbed everyone's attention, "we need to get out of here now, who knows how long they'll leave us on our own before coming back. Doc, you go help Mumbo someone else come help me with Stress." Mumbo felt himself being lifted, his body still in immense pain, the world fading away to black.

Dear Reader,

This one is a bit of a short chapter but hey, how much dialogue did you really want to read this chapter? Big thank you to Rozly for helping me brainstorm this chapter, I don't think I would have been able to post it today without them.

With warm regards,

Star (She/They)

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