Chapter 11 - Awake

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Things were going wrong all over the server, blocks were disappearing, mobs spawned more than they should be, and damage seemed to be taken at random. Mumbo sat by Grian's side as he shivered in his sleep. Ever since the glitching started a week ago, Grian had been hiding in his house, only coming out to visit Mumbo and the mysterious woman who had shown up before the glitches.

"Gah!" Grian sat up with tears in his eyes.

"Hey, you're okay," Mumbo traced his fingers over his lover's wings, "it was just a dream."

Grian leaned into Mumbo's arms, calming down slightly at the familiar presence. They stayed in each other's embrace for a long while, neither one wanting to let go.

"I've got to go," Grian announced decisively before getting up and disa out of the tent.


Grian walked towards the medical tent haphazardly watching as a few blocks disappeared in front of him. He had been having nightmares everyday since the glitching, always about his time with the watchers. The glitching scared him, it was too much of a coincidence to not be watchers messing with the world around him. 'How did he find me?' He questioned. Grian had been so careful to avoid bringing notice to himself but now, when he finally opened up to other people, they found him. He was trying to avoid spending too much time with Mumbo, but the mustached man was like a drug, keeping him sane when he was sure he was going to lose it. Grian knew that he had made the hermit a target by getting attached to him, but it was too late to take back what he'd said.

Grian entered the tent to see a very busy Stress, taking care of a very unconscious, very familiar person.

"She's woken up twice since you were last here," Stress called over her shoulder, "only for a few seconds each time though."

'Awake was good, awake meant she was real, awake meant alive.' Grian took a sigh of relief, sitting down in the closest chair.

"Grian?" A quiet, raspy voice called.

Grian rushed over to see his friend staring up at the tent. "Pearl? I'm here Pearl," he responded gently as her eyes closed and she fell unconscious again.

Dear Reader,

I noticed an issue with the chapter numbers and very promptly fixed it. I tried to make this chapter a sort of big reveal but I don't think it's as big as I thought it would be. Anyways I'm so tired that I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open so goodnight, I should have a new chapter in the morning but no promises.

With warm regards,

Star (She/They)

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