Chapter 12 - Glitches and Unease

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Doc had no clue what was happening all over the server, Xisuma was clearly stressed about something, Grian and Mumbo were basically attached at the hip, and a strange person had mysteriously showed up at spawn. All he knew was that whatever it was, he did not like it.


Stress had been taking care of Pearl since she had appeared. Grian and Mumbo visited almost everyday which wasn't surprising, but what was surprising was when Xisuma came into the tent after Pearl had woken up for longer than a couple seconds. She didn't know what was going on but it wasn't normal.


Xisuma was confused? He had no clue why the glitches were occurring but seeing Grian's reaction, it had to be because of watchers. He had no who this Pearl person was, but pieced together that she must have been from Grian's old server. The day he got the news she was awake, he went to see her. Mainly because he wanted to make sure she wasn't a threat, but also to check on his new feathered friend, who had been hiding from the world.

"Hi, I'm Xisuma, the admin of hermitcraft," he introduced himself, smiling at the newcomer.

"Well hello there! I'm Pearlescent Moon, but everybody calls me Pearl!" Her voice was oddly cheerful for someone who had just come back from death's door.

"I just came to introduce myself and check in how you were doing, you gave us all quite a fright when you showed up."

"Oh deary me, I'm sorry if I scared you, It's a good thing I'm still here though!" She smiled up at him.

'Alright, this lady's not all there is, is she?' He thought to himself, slightly unnerved by the toothy smile that she gave him. "Well it's late so I'm going to let you rest," he quickly excused himself, pulling Stress with him as he left.

"What was that for X?" Stress asked, confused.

"I just wanted to warn you, Pearl seems nice, but a lot of weird things are happening around here," He cautioned, "Watch your back around her." As he walked away he tried to convince himself he was being paranoid but he couldn't shake a feeling of dread. Something was happening, and he gut told him that they didn't want to be here when it did.

Dear Reader,

This might be my last post for a few days, as I am feeling slightly under the weather. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I assure you that any wait will be worth it. No spoilers but get ready for a very twisty turny journey.

With warm regards,

Star (She/They)

Lies, Deceit, and SecretsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora