Chapter 8 - The Full Story

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Grian walked back into his makeshift border hours later after wandering around Evo reminiscing about his old friends. A second later green tendrils wrapped around his arms and legs, holding him in place. Grian tried to summon his power but little more than purple sparks came out. 'Magic suppressing,' Grian cursed to himself as Xisuma came into view.


Xisuma had been hiding in wait for what seemed like ages for Grian to come back through the border. Now that he had caught the watcher, he had no clue what to say.

"You've already announced your presence with your magic Xisuma." The watcher called out, still tangled in his magic. Xisuma walked out of the dense forest, a ball of magic in his palm in case he needed to do some self defense.

"You lied," He spat out, making sure the watcher could hear the hate in his words. "I hate liars but I especially hate watchers." Xisuma saw Grian's eyes glow at the last word. "Did I strike a nerve?"

"I'm not a watcher."

"Like hell you aren't, and don't try to claim that avian bullshit."

"I'm not!" Grian countered, "I may look like one but I don't act like one, I would have killed all of you the first day you showed up if I were!"

"You're not helping your case," Xisuma warned, the magic in his hand glowing brighter.

"Look, I hate them as much as you do. Maybe even more."

"Why would you hate your own kind?" Xisuma shot coldly 'he's lying to get me to trust him.'

"I wasn't born a watcher, I was transformed," Grian lowered his gaze.

"I don't believe you."

"I used to be the admin of a small server, the watchers helped me run it but then started demanding more and more from us." Xisuma watched as tears fell from Grian's eyes, "Their last demand was for us to kill the ender dragon, we did but they took me as I went back through the portal. They took me and turned me into this. When I escaped I came back here, only to find that they killed all of my friends "

"How can I believe you?" He lowered his voice. Xisuma wanted to trust him, he really did, but everybody knew not to trust watchers.

"If you let me go, I can show you."

"Fine, but if you do anything and I mean anything, I won't hesitate to kill you." Xisuma let go of the magic holding Grian watching it fizzle out.

Grian walked back over to the border and hesitated before looking at him, "I need to use my magic for this," He stated before opening the border and stepping through. Xisuma consciously followed behind eyes widening when he saw the charred and barren land that lay before him

Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for all the support you've given. I never thought that anyone would actually see this, let alone actually enjoy it. When I tell you that I'm grinning ear to ear you better believe it. 

With warm regards,

Star (She/They)

Ps. I'm looking at you Rozefox and OnyxTheMooner.

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