Chapter 11: New Allies, New Enemies

Start from the beginning

We walked in front of his door, and Ratchet knocked. We waited a few moments before his door opened. He seemed surprised to find the two of us at his door.

"Michael said he needed to talk with us about something." Ratchet explained.

Optimus nodded, and moved back to let us in. He closed the door behind us, and Ratchet put me on the Prime's desk.

"What do you wish to speak with us about?" Optimus asked.

I took a deep breath, and considered my words carefully.

"It's... about Bumblebee..." I said, as I felt my face heat up and turn red again.

The two mechs glanced at each other before looking back at me.

"What about him?" Ratchet asked.

"Well... it's just..." I said, trying to figure out how to explain it. "Ever since I arrived here, whenever I'm around him, I feel warm and fuzzy inside... And when I'm with him in battle, I feel that I'm safe with him being there, and I feel that he gives me the strength to keep pushing forward when the dark hours seem inevitable."

My voice became softer the more I spoke.

"I feel that... without him... I have nothing..."

I sighed.

"Everything about him is just... perfect. His strength, both in physicality and in willpower. His courage and bravery. His beeps and warbles... everything."

I went a deep shade of red.

"What I'm trying to say is... I like him. I like Bumblebee as... more than just a friend."

Optimus and Ratchet remained silent, as they let this sink in. Eventually, Ratchet spoke.

"I was getting the feeling that there was something going on between you two."

I just stared, and reddened further. I knew Ratchet was perceptive, being a medic and all, but not that perceptive.

"Wha- H-How did you...?"

"I've noticed the way you look at him whenever you're around him."

He smirked, and I somehow flushed an even further red, almost turning as red as my right eye.

Was I really making it that obvious?

"I-I didn't mean-" Optimus held up his servo, and I went quiet.

"You do not need to apologize. In fact, we are happy that our young scout has found someone like you. And we are glad that you came and spoke to us about it."

The Prime gave a small smile.

"Ratchet and I have been talking about this for some time now, about when the time came that Bumblebee found a sparkmate, and we believe that you are perfect for him."

I was speechless.

"W-Wait! Really? But... What if something happened to me and he was left sparkbroken...? I don't want him to get hurt because of me... He's only a youngling. Probably around my age, if not the same age as me, in human years. I don't want him to experience the pain of having a lover during wartime, with the threat of losing them looming over his helm everyday, especially at such a young age..."

Optimus just smiled.

"I do not believe it will come to that. You are a strong and capable fighter. Your Spark is pure, and I know you will do everything in your power to protect him."

"Does... that mean you accept it? Even though I'm a guy, and a human?"

"Interspecies relationships weren't that common on Cybertron, but there was nothing prohibiting it. And two mechs or two femmes being together is completely normal on our planet. So yes, we accept your relationship with Bumblebee."

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