Heather rushed out before the resilient woman interrupted her again "No she didn't"

"Why did you make her feel like a killer then?" Danica sighed placing her unfinished glass of juice on the table. "Do you have any idea how she must have felt to see the woman who claims loves her not listen to her. You judged her like anyone would have done, you brought back the painful memories she must have buried so deep; reopened wounds that hadn't healed and threw her out of your house like she didn't mean a damn thing."

"I didn't know how to react at first, being aggressive was the first play but I just-"

"That's not how you love people baby girl." Tucking a stray hair behind Heather's ear she lifted her chin, staring into the eyes so similar to hers with all the love and compassion she felt. "Nobody comes back from that kind of beat down easily, I can't imagine how Shelby feels or is feeling right now. I would hate you."

Danica's words hit her like a truck, rubbing her chest to ease the dull ache settling in her heart. Her reaction was purely instinctive, all she saw when she opened the documents was the picture of the dead child; This was the secret she had been after since she met her? The secret she had forgotten the moment she fell in love with her.

Fear fueled her reaction, the woman she loved whom she couldn't even tell she loved her, the same reason she now knew ruined her marriage.

Shelby was too perfect for her, fucking it up was something she didn't need to try to do, it was bound to fail the moment she fell in love.

Heather leaned into her mother's embrace, holding on to the only real thing she couldn't push away. "I don't know mama, I love her so much but I just can't say it. I brought her here hoping to have an uninterrupted week filled with so many things I wanted to show her boom! Renee shows up a-"

"You're not one to blame other for situations you obviously put yourself in, why are you blaming it on her? She's your wife, is she not? She has the right to be here"

"She's not my wife."

"Last time I checked, I didn't see any divorce papers."

"I didn't know where she was if not I would have filed the divorce papers long ago, she disappears for three years, waltzing back into my life just because she can, that's not marriage mother."

"So if you had gotten your week of undisturbed silence, how were you going to explain that you indeed 'are' a married woman?"

"It would have come up at some point."

"You need to respect people's feelings, that's the reason I'm not telling you to chase after her. You're not ready for love or to love, all you have right now are just jumbled up feelings that need sorting out. You don't deserve the love of the woman you chased out of your home, or Renee or anyone else."

They both turned when Renee sauntered into the kitchen, power suit and all- her suitcases by her side. "The driver is here, I'll be on my way soon."

"Renee i-" Heather drifted off not knowing what to say.

Renee looked deep in thought, muttered a low 'fuck this' and took long strides towards Heather. Ignoring the confused frown on her face, she pulled her into a long searing kiss invading her mouth with her tongue, dragging a slow moan from her.

The kiss left them both gasping for air, "That was for both my soul and to show you what you missed out on, I love you so much Heather; so much it hurts. We need to stop hurting each other, I'm not sorry for leaving because you were a dick, I am sorry for hurting us and you. What you need, is to woman the fuck up and go after the woman you love or I might go after her myself."

"I'm sorry for hurting you too, I couldn't see it then but I can't blame you for leaving." Heather smiled warmly at her soon to be ex-wife. "We would have been worse off if you got this bitter beside me."

Renee flicked Heather's nose. "You really ruin things when you open your mouth."


Renee kissed her forehead turning a deaf ear to her whines and complaints, nodded her goodbye to Danica, not sparing Melissa a glance, their feud needed to be alive even if that was the last time she saw the old coot. A horn sounded outside just as Renee reached for her suitcases.

"Oh! You'll be hearing from my lawyers soon." Renee winked at Heather making her final exit. Their life had been perfect, too perfect until the flaws sank their deep incisors past flesh and into bone.

Wiping a stray tear before it fell, her taxi pulled away once she settled in, she smiled as the mansion got smaller till all she could see was what was in front of her. Her future.


SuWins. Thank you 💕

Whoosh, we're topping the table people🎉🎉🎉 thank you for reading, voting.
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