Chapter 9: Scrapheap

Start from the beginning

"What Arctic find?" I asked, as I came up to them.

"Bumblebee and Bulkhead found something in the Arctic last night." Arcee answered. "It was a Cybertronian pod, but we don't know what's in it."

I didn't give an immediate reply, as it finally dawned on me what exactly was happening. "...I see." I said, with a bit of hesitation, but they didn't seem to notice. I couldn't say anything about what was in the pod now since it was already in the base, and had thawed out. Plus, I knew that if I had said something, the kids would never be able to prove just how valuable they were to the team. I also knew that there were some things that I shouldn't interfere in. I had no choice but to let things play out. 

"You're up pretty late this morning. You looked pretty tired last night." Cliffjumper commented to me from the far side of the room.

"I've been busy the past few days." I replied.

"Still working on that 'Secret Project' of yours?" The red bot asked.

"...Maybe." I replied sheepishly.

"I don't see why you can't tell us what it is you're working on." He said.

"Look. I said it before and I'll say it again." I groaned, tired of the topic being brought up, even though I knew it was understandable. "I will tell you about what it is when the time is right, but for now, it is under wraps."

"I agree with Michael." Optimus said. "Though I myself am also curious about what he is working on, constantly pressuring him to tell us what it is will not help him finish it any faster, or give us the answer. It is best to drop the subject for now, and wait until he is ready to tell us."

Cliffjumper looked like he wanted to say something further, but whatever he was gonna say was never spoken as the sound of two engines cut through the air, as Bumblebee and Bulkhead arrived, with Miko, Jack, and Raf in tow.

"Miss us Doc Bot?" Miko asked as she got out of Bulkhead. Ratchet just groaned.

"Shouldn't they be in school?" He asked me, to which I just shrugged.

"On a Saturday?" Miko asked as she went over to the human area. "We have the whole weekend off! To spend with you." She added, and smirked.

"I wasn't expecting to carpool. What gives Arcee?" Jack asked as he walked up to his guardian.

"Tag team Jack." The blue femme replied. "It's my turn for Exploration Duty."

"Aw, too bad. It's a beautiful day for a ride. Would hate for you to feel guilty for leaving me indoors." Jack said, hoping she would catch on.

"Arctic Exploration Duty." She replied.

"Indoors where it's warm." Jack said, pointing over at the human area before making his way over to it.

"You don't have a lot of luck with women, do you Jack?" I asked as he passed me. He just gave me a death glare, while I just smiled innocently. Cliffjumper snickered as he walked up beside me.

"The Arctic?" Raf asked. "I've always wanted to see snow."

'I guess that answers my previous question about whether it snowed here or not.'

"I would invite you to join Rafael." Optimus replied. "But the conditions are much too extreme. Even for we Autobots."

"I... understand." Raf said, though I could tell he was upset. Optimus turned to leave, but stopped.

"But," Optimus said, looking back at Raf. "I will bring you back a snowball."

"That'll be awesome!" Raf said excitedly. The two 'Bots then walked through the Groundbridge, and disappeared.

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