☆ The Dream ☆

Start from the beginning

After a few more minutes they broke apart, both trying to catch their breath. Sydney was looking down while Vivian was staring at the ceiling with a huge smile. She started laughing slightly, trying to wrap her head around everything. After a few moments of laughing she noticed that Sydney was still in the same position and still breathing heavily. Vivian slowly looked down to where Sydney was still actively pushing her into the table.

"Syd? Um.. that- that.. it's starting to hurt." Vivian said her voice conveying how scared she was becoming. After getting no response she felt the hands return to her hips and dig into them. Then Sydney lifted her head slightly her eyes darting to meet Vivian's. Bright yellow.

Vivian desperately tried to push Sydney away to no avail as those fingers kept digging in. Vivian was finally able to kick Sydney in the shins and duck under the table. She crawled as her hips continued to bleed. Sydney grabbed her ankle and started dragging her out. Vivian looked back with a petrified look. She continued to kick at Sydney's hand and was only able to get out because Sydney let go to grab her hips again but Vivian got up before she could.

Vivian the ran through the shelves trying to confuse Sydney. Who in retaliation pushed the book shelves down which Vivian barley avoided being crushed by. Vivian finally made it to the glass doors. She forcefully pulled them finding out that they were locked. She then started pounding her fists against the doors screaming for someone to help. She could hear Sydney getting closer and she was getting desperate so she started forcing all her body weight on her shoulder and ramming into the glass.

Right before Sydney could catch her she broke through and tried to crawl away. She was clumsily trying to get up. She wasn't able to get far when Sydney grabbed her ankles pulling her back in. She grabbed onto the broken glass on the side of the door getting more blood on her. Sydney was finally able to pull her all the way back into the mess of a library.

Vivian was pulled all the way to the back of the library covered in blood and earning more injuries. She was sobbing and begging Sydney to stop. When she was finally face to face with Sydney she tried to find one once of her Sydney. "Sydney please."

She let out one last scream as Sydney went for the kill.


Sydney bolted up in her bed gasping. She reached around her bed trying to take in her surroundings. She quickly realized it was a dream and grabbed her heart, trying to beat out of her chest. She took deep breaths trying to calm herself and reassure herself it was a dream.

She fell back against the bed and stared at her ceiling, covered in weird painted shapes that she and Stiles had done when they were 6. She stared at her ceiling for what felt like hours before she decided to give up on sleep. She turned to the side and sent Vivian a small text just for reassurance. She didn't get a response but she also wasn't expecting one. She hated how exhausted she felt.

The guilt was also back and that dream only made it worst.


"So did you end up killing her?" Tara asked as they walked into the school the next morning. Scott had, had a similar dream to Sydney only in a different location and with a different person. Stiles, Tara, and Sydney were all walking with him and talking about it. Vivian hadn't shown up or responded to any texts that morning which wasn't helping Sydney's stress.

"I don't know. I just woke up." Scott said as they walked into the school. "And I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn't breath. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before."

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