Chapter 8: Masters & Students

Start from the beginning

"Optimus!" Ratchet said, trying to help him look on the bright side. "His vileness was not slain by your hand, but by his own twisted arrogance!"

Optimus just growled, and looked away.

Michael glared at the medic.

"Can you be anymore disrespectful?" He asked, annoyed.

Michael knew full well that Megatron was still alive. On the brink of death, maybe, but still alive all the same thanks to the Dark Energon that was within him, though he knew he couldn't tell them that.

Ratchet just sighed.

"I'm sorry." He said. "I know you two had quite a history."

"But the Megatron I once fought beside, perished eons ago."  Optimus said sadly. "The day he chose to become a Decepticon..."

Michael felt sorry for him. He knew how much it meant to him that he wanted the one he considered a brother most to come back, but he knew that it was Megatron's undoing that day at the High Council. The day Orion Pax became a Prime. Michael had heard different stories on what happened that led up to Megatronus turning against him that day. One story said that the High Council was corrupt, and was just using Orion to further their gain. Another story said that Megatronus wanted to become a Prime, but instead chose Orion because of his peaceful values compared to Megatronus' violent ones. He wasn't sure what parts were true, and what wasn't. But what he did know, was that they both wanted to get rid of the unfair Caste System that was in place at the time. He didn't know alot about what it entailed, but he knew that any type of system that ranked people based on anything, and didn't treat them as equals, was despicable. He wanted to ask about it, but he couldn't bring himself to do so.

"The Decepticons may be in disarray, but they aren't without leadership."Optimus spoke up, changing the topic slightly. "Starscream is no Megatron, but he is far from predictable."

Suddenly, a bunch of loud explosions rang out from the other side of the room.

"Decepticons! We're under attack!" Ratchet cried, and he, Optimus, and Michael ran over. However, it wasn't an attack, but rather, Raf's volcano.

"It's no attack Ratchet." Raf said, as he coughed due to the smoke. "It's my volcano." He said, to which the volcano promptly melted.

"...Was." He said, looking at it, then at Ratchet.

Ratchet was in utter disbelief, and Michael burst out laughing.

"Hold still Bulkhead! Jupiter needs its red spot." Miko said, as she dipped her brush into a can of red paint. The paint then dripped from the brush and onto the floor, which wasn't covered by anything. "Whoopsie!" She said, as the paint got on the floor.

"What... in the Allspark... is going on here...?" Ratchet asked.

He seemed to be on the verge of passing out, as Michael began to calm down from his laughing fit.

"Our projects are due tomorrow." Jack replied.

"Maybe it needs one of these do-hickeys." Arcee said, picking up a part of the incomplete motorcycle she and Jack were working on building.

"You're a motorcycle, Arcee. Shouldn't you know how to build a motorcycle engine?" Jack asked, placing a hand on his hip.

"You're a human, Jack. Can you build me a small intestine?" She asked in return, copying his action.

"Oh, I would absolutely love to see him try." Michael said, knowing it was completely impossible. Jack just glared at him.

"Well... you can't work on these projects in here... you're... making a mess!" Ratchet said, annoyed.

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