Chapter 85 - Age of Ultron pt 7

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A/N: Hey guys! So sorry it took me so long to release another chapter. I hope you're all still enjoying my story. Please let me know by commenting and voting!!! I'd love to get some feedback.

Also regarding Age of Ultron. I tried to get as close to the movie as possible, so there's one or two quotes. The storyline is a little different tho, I hope it's still enjoyable :)

The atmosphere in the jet was thick and frustrating. Nobody dared to say a word and break the silence. We all just stared into the abyss and let our minds wander. I had my attention on the watch Natasha gave me and kept repeating her last words „...I love you. I love you more than anything...". I cant say it back. I cant let her know that I love her just as much. The last thing I said to her was „I don't want you here. It's over. You and I, we're over...". I was awful and I know that I hurt her. I can't let this be the last thing she hears from me. I need to tell her how sorry I am and how much I love her and need her in my life. 

If Ultron ... (*pause*) If something happened to her and I can't apologize, I don't know what I'd do. I can't live without her. I need her and I need her to be okay. This is all my fault. God, I'm so stupid. I sighed and buried my head in between my hands, trying so hard not to cry. I can't have a mental breakdown right now, I need to stay concentrated for Natasha. „Hey, are you okay?" I heard someone next to me. The voice had a thick European accent and it was the last thing I needed right now. „Just leave me alone, please." I sighed and I guess it sounded more like a beg and so the woman left me alone, realizing that I can't talk to her right now.

After another couple of hours in the torturous silence the jet landed. Before we left it tho, Steve gave everyone their job.

Clint and I paired up to go find Natasha. Thanks to the gps tracker it shouldn't be too hard. We left the airplane and made our way towards my girlfriend. I'm still receiving a signal from her watch, so I'm just going to hope thats a good sign.

Once we reached the building, we rushed down one hallway after another. Thankfully we didn't come across any guards, so we could focus on the direction we needed to go and find Natasha quicker. „The signal says she's somewhere in that room over there!" I yelled in Clints direction. In that same moment a group of guards came rushing at us from the side. „Go." Clint yelled in my direction and started taking out one of the guards. „No I can't leave you here." I said and took out another one. „I'll be fine. There's only 4 left." He continued, but I felt too bad to leave his side. „Go, Y/N. Find Natasha." He said stricter this time and I sighed and thanked him. Then I rushed to the doors and unlocked it with one of my little gadgets. „Natasha!" I screamed through the dark room. It looked like a dungeon and held several little cells. I rushed passed them, but they were all empty. „Nat!" I screamed louder, panic and anxiety clearly taking over my brain. I almost reached the end of it, when I heard a whisper „Y/N?". I stopped and now my mouth wouldn't let anything but a whisper escape back „Nat?". 

I almost tripped over my feet when I saw her cowered in the corner of the last cell. She looked rough. Her arms were holding on to her left leg, which was shaking really bad and she had a bloody nose. Her eyes held so much exhaustion and pain that I wanted to do nothing but hold her and tell her everything's going to be fine. „Nat. Oh my god." I breathed and quickly unlocked the door. I rushed over to her and slung my arms around her weak body. „Y/N..." She breathed again. This time her voice seemed even weaker and her body wasn't strong enough to hold on to me. „I'll get you out of her. Don't worry. I love you Nat." I whispered into her ear and placed a kiss on her forehead. Then I picked her up and rushed her out of the room. I felt her body sinking into my embrace and looked down to see her passed out. It worried me, but the best thing I could do right now is to keep calm and take her to the jet. „Is she okay?" I heard Clints voice and turned around to face him. The guards were all taken out and he quickly ran to my side and took a look at his best friend. „I don't think so. She's very weak. We need to get her out of here." I told him and he just nodded and led the way back to the plane. Everytime we crossed a guards way, Clint took them out, so I could simply focus on taking my girlfriend to safety. When we got closer to the entrance of the building, we started hearing gunshots and fighting noises, which worried us of course. We shared a quick look and took a deep breath, before exiting. „No matter what happens, just keep on running and get her out of here. You understand?" Clint said strictly and I just nodded and sent him a weak but grateful smile. 

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