Chapter 60 - mission: find Bucky

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*Steves POV*

After my talk with Y/N, I walked back to the compound and went into a meeting with Fury. He called me there and I didnt know what to expect. Maybe Tony told him about my relationship with Bucky. When I entered the room, Tony and Fury were both seated at the table. I sent Tony a glare and he shifted uncomfortably in his chair. „Ah, Steve. Good that you're here. I have a mission for the two of you." Fury said. „...and so we spotted the winter soldier, or lets call him Mr. Barnes 20 minutes ago. Go find him and bring him here." He continued and I started to panic a little. „What do you want from him?" I asked. „He is dangerous and needs to be stopped." Fury said with a stern voice. „He's a good person. I know him, sir." I defended my friend. „Look, Rogers. Maybe he is a good person, maybe he is being brainwashed. I dont know and I dont really care. I'm not asking you to execute him. I'm demanding you to bring him in and then we can question him and evaluate. Thats an order." He said strictly and I nodded, sending him a thankful smile for giving him a chance. He left without another word. „Lets meet at the Jet in 5." Tony said and before I left him in the room, I turned around to face him and said: „You still owe Y/N an apology. You really hurt her and maybe if you had listened instead of yelling and cursing at her, you would have noticed that she doesn't know where she knows him from. She was crying earlier Tony, because of you. She considered you a friend and she trusted you. You are one of the first people she trusted and then you call her a liar and traitor for nothing. You need to make it right." After that I left and got ready for the mission. I heard him sigh and was satisfied with what I said and how it made him feel.

In the Jet

„He was seen at Times Square 5 minutes ago." Tony yelled through the engine sounds. „Theres too many people there, we'll never find him and what if somebody gets hurt." I argued with him. „Wait I got another signal. Central Park." Tony shouted and changed the direction of the Jet. We landed in Central Park and rushed our way through the many miles of trees and bushes. „How are we supposed to find him?" I yelled at him, but he didnt stop walking. After another 45 minutes of walking through the park, he finally gave up and we went back to the Jet. „That was a nice walk, dont you think so." I mocked him, but he sent a glare at me, shutting me up. We couldnt use arguing right now. „I got another signal. An abandoned factory in uptown. What is it with hydra and abandoned factories." He chuckled and flew the Jet towards the building. When we entered, we decided to split up. It was a huge building. I went to the basement and he took the first floor. I walked through some empty hallways and I dont know why but it was like my head already knew the way. There were a million doors and different directions I could have chosen from, but my mind pushed in a certain direction, until I started to hear some rustling. I slowed down and went towards the sound as quietly as possible, not wanting to alert him. When I went around the corner, I saw him: Bucky. He was looking through a bucket of chemicals. Then he stopped his movement, sensing my presence. He slowly turned around and it shattered my heart. That is not the Bucky I know. He has dark circles under his eyes, many scars on his face and he looks tired and in pain. „Bucky..." I breathed out. For a second he froze and looked at me confused. But then his demeanor changed within seconds and the dead stare in his eyes reappeared. He walked towards me and I knew it was going to be a fight between us. „No, Bucky. Dont you recognize me? Its Steve? Your friend? Remember me?" I pleaded with him, but he blocked out his thoughts „I dont know you." He said with a strict voice. „Please. I dont want to hurt you. I'm here to help you." I said, but he just laughed. „You? You dont want to hurt me? I dont need your help." He mocked me and punched me in the face. It was a good hit, also because I didnt plan on beating him up. We started to fight each other and he soon realized that I wasn't such an easy opponent. Every time he got a hit on me, I got one on him. Then he pushed me on the floor and started choking me with my own shield. I'm glad Tony isn't here right now, because he would never stop mocking me about that. Talking about the devil... „I cant wait to tell everyone that Captain America was beaten with his own toy" He laughed. Bucky turned around to face him and was about to attack Tony when he pulled out a gun and shot at Bucky a couple of times. I yelled out his name in shock and ran towards my friend who was laying on the floor motionless. „Relax Stevie. It was just some of Banners extra strong anesthesia. He'll be out for a couple of hours. Enough time for us to get him back to the compound. I didnt want to keep watching your little pillow fight." Tony chuckled and walked out of the room. I sighed in relieve and picked up my friend, carrying him to the Jet. Back at the compound, we put him in Bruces cell. If the cell can hold off a hulk, Bucky shouldn't be able to get out of it. Now we just have to wait for him to wake up.

After an hour of sitting outside the cell, watching him, he started moving around and slowly sitting up. He looked around the room, confusion written all over his face. I felt bad for him. I dont know what he went through in his life, but it must have included a lot of pain, because the last time I saw him, he was happy and nice and full of life and dreams and now I dont really recognize him anymore. „Hey." I quietly said, making him aware of my presence. He looked towards me and anger started to build in his mind. He shot up and started to punch against the wall of the cell, without success of course. „Let me out." He yelled. „First you need to tell me, why you dont recognize me? What happened to you?" I started to ask, but I saw how angry he was. He didnt really care about any of that right now. „Let me out of here." He yelled again. „The sooner you talk, the sooner you can get out." I continued. He hammered against the wall for another 30 minutes until he accepted that it didnt do anything. „You done?" I asked him and he just growled at me. „Come on, give me something." I pleaded, but he stayed silent. Tony entered the room and shouted over to us: „How about you let Y/N talk to him. Seems like they have a better bond." By the mention of Y/Ns name, Buckys whole demeanor changed. He didnt seem aggressive anymore, he seemed sad. „Y/N is here." He whispered. „Yes. Yes, she is. She is with us, we are the good guys." I said. „Good guys. What does that even mean? Last time I checked, a building with at least a thousand people in it, crashed because you guys couldnt control the hulk. You cause so much pain and suffering and still call yourself the good guys." Bucky said and for the first time I recognized my old friend. Always standing up for the weak. „You're right. We aren't good. We cause suffering, but we are the lesser evil. And without us there'd be a lot more suffering." I said quietly. „But last time I checked, you hurt two of my friends without any reason. Y/N almost bled to death and lost her voice." I argued and I could see so much guilt in his voice. „I didnt mean to hurt them." He whispered, pain in his voice. „But you did. Why?" I said. „Because he told me to." He whispered. „Who is he?" I continued and was proud that I got him to talk. „No..." He breathed. I sighed. „I cant help you if you dont talk." I said. „I dont want your help." He hissed. „You want to rott in this cell forever?" Tony shouted from the back. I sent him a glare. He didnt say anything after that. For the next three days we tried to get him to talk, but everytime I'd be close to getting him to talk, he shut down, as if a switch in his brain protected the information from being exposed. Nobody but fury, Tony and me knew, that Bucky was here. We wanted to see how much we can get out of him, before telling the team about him.

After trying to get him to talk for another 5 hours today, I was about to give up. I got up from my chair and walked over to the door. Once I reached it, he spoke: „Is she happy?" I turned around and walked back to him. „Who?" I asked. „Y/N..." He whispered. „How do you know her?" I asked him, but he said nothing. „Why should I tell you anything about her, if you dont tell me why you care." I tried to argue with him. „I'll talk to her." He said after a while. „No." I said with a stern voice. She is fragile and after what Tony said to her, she had barely left her room, feeling betrayed and hurt from her team. „Then you won't get the information you want." He said and I thought for a second. „How do I know you have any useful information?" I asked him and he laughed out. „I know everything about Hydra. Everything you want to know." He said. „She is my friend, why should I let you hurt her?" I asked him. „I won't." He whispered and it sounded more like a plead. „How can I be sure." I asked again. „You can't, but you dont have anything to lose either." He said and with that he was right. I left the room without another word, on my way to find Y/N.

The world comes first (Natasha Romanoff x fem Y/N)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora