Chapter 54 - the winter soldier

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*In the Jet*

„You two will secure the data in the engine room. Tony and I will fight our way to the control room and get the paper files." Steve stood in front of us in the jet, explaining our roles in this mission. I was nervous and excited, because this is going to be my first mission as an Avenger and I dont want to ruin it. „Y/N, you have to install a Trojan on the main computer, so we can have access to any future files they update on there." Tony threw in the room. „Don't you think they'll notice?" I chuckled. „Hide it." He smiled at me and I nodded. „And dont forget guys, this is an old Hydra base. We dont know what will expect us and we have to be careful and fast. In and out in 30 minutes." Steve added. We all nodded and got back to reading our files. „Jet lands in 15 minutes." Clint shouted from the front. Natasha was sitting next to me and the whole 4 hours we had been in this plane, she hasn't said a word to me or anyone else. Her foot was bouncing up and down nervously the whole time and I felt bad, because I know she didnt want me to go, but I need to. I put my hand on her thigh and her movement stopped. She looked into my eyes and I could see all the worry in hers. „What's wrong?" I asked her. „You know what." She sighed. „Natasha, it'll be okay." I smiled at her, but her expression didnt change. „Why dont you trust me?" I groaned. „Its not about trusting you, Y/N. I'm scared of losing you." She whispered. „You won't. I can take care of myself." I chuckled and grabbed her hand. „I'd just feel a lot better, if you were save at home." She said. „So would I, everytime you leave my side, but I still let you go." I pleaded with her. „Natasha, I promise you, you dont have to worry about me and you'll be by my side anyways. I know you got my back." I chuckled and smiled at her. She smiled slightly at that. „I'm sorry, I guess it was bound to happen at one point and I really want you here, I just love you so much." She said and placed a kiss on my lips. „Okay, not to break you two lovebirds up, but we've reached our destination and it is time to get out." Tony yelled from the door of the jet. Natasha sent him an angry glare and we walked out together. Every member on this mission started off in different directions. It was dark out and the jet landed outside of a big abandoned factory building. Natasha and I made our way inside through a small basement door on the eastside. We were met with chaos. The floors were covered in old files and dirt. Spider webs and dust covered the empty hallways. „This would make a good scenery in a horror movie" I chuckled quietly and Natasha sent me an angry glare „Focus, Y/N." We rushed through the halls, until we reached the engine room. It was a big room filled with dozens of computers. They all looked broken and dead, but I'm sure we can fix them up enough to get the data. Nat tried to turn a couple of them on and when she finally found one that was still working, she pushed a usb-stick in and started to get all the data off. I looked through the many rows of desks, until I found the main computer. Thankfully I didnt have to work on it a lot to turn it on. Once the screen lit up, I started to install a Trojan. Not my favorite thing to do, cause it takes forever, especially on an old computer like that. After about 10 minutes, Nat walked over to me and urged me to hurry up. „I cant. It literally takes 20 minutes. Go sit down and be quiet. You're distracting me and that'll only make it take longer." I groaned. We both wore ear pieces, so we could stay connected to the other team members. After a couple of minutes Tonys voice sounded through those: „Guys, Jarvis just warned me about the oxygen levels in here. Its really low. I applied an oxygen mask into all of your suits, please put them on." He sounded stressed, but I didnt have time to ask about it. I needed to focus on my computer. I felt two hands on my face and turned around. Nat pulled a mask over my nose: „Did you not hear what Tony said?" She said with a stern voice. „I did, I just ignored it." I chuckled. „Ignore something like that again and this will be your last mission, honey." She answered angrily. „Fine." I grunted. „Can I get some help over here?" Steve shouted through the ear piece. He sounded like he was in a fight. I sent Natasha a look, but she looked hesitant. „Natasha is done collecting the data. She can come over." I answered him. „No, I..." She started, but got cut off by Steve groaning in pain. „Fine. Where are you Steve." She sighed and ran out of the room. I put my attention back on the screen.

The world comes first (Natasha Romanoff x fem Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now