Chapter 70 - the past always comes back pt1

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The next morning, we were rudely awoken by Jarvis shouting through the room. I shot up, because I got startled. The nightmares from last week were still sitting in my bones and even though I deny it everytime Natasha asks, I'm still dreaming about Dreykov every night, so I stood next to the bed, when Jarvis yelled:

„Ms. Y/L/N, your presence is expected in the meeting room immediately."

Natasha looked over at me. I think she had her arms wrapped around me, so when I shot up, I pulled her out of her dreams as well. „You okay?" She asked me with her amazing raspy morning voice. „Yes. Of course, I just...Jarvis sounds serious, I should go." I tried to safe myself, but she didn't buy it at all. „Jarvis doesn't have any emotions, so he always sounds the same." She chuckled. „Did you have a nightmare again?" She asked and slowly sat up and walked over to me. She placed a kiss on my cheek and pulled out some clothes for me to wear. „No, all good. He just scared me a little." I said and smiled at her. She nodded, knowing that I'm not going to admit it anyways.

I quickly got dressed and before I managed to leave the room, Natasha pulled me back and kissed me on the lips. „Be careful." She whispered, still not fully accepting me going back on missions. „Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'll be back tonight to return the favor from yesterday." I said and quickly walked out of the room, leaving her standing there all flustered. I rushed down to the meeting room. The only other people in the room were Kate and Fury. I sat down next to Kate and Fury started talking: „Shield has been tracking down an underground weapon trading organization. We don't have pictures or faces to it and don't know what to expect. I want you two to go in and get us exactly that. I want an exact layout of the building, all the rooms and also the amount of workers. I want to know what kind of weapons and I want faces!! Once you have all the information, come back.". He handed each one of us a file and sent us off. We put on our suits and got in the Jet.

„First mission together." Kate squealed excited, making me chuckle. „Yeah, I'm excited." I smiled at her. „How's it going between Natasha and you?" She then asked and I chuckled, pictures from last night appearing in my head. „Good. Its going good..." I sighed with a big smile on my face. „Yeah, I could hear that." She laughed and my face turned all red. „What are you talking about?" I gulped. „Yesterday? When you went to go take a 'nap''" She chuckled. „Oh, god. You could hear that?" I groaned. „We were all still in the living room and yes, you were quite loud." She chuckled. „Well...okay. How's it going between you and Yelena? I haven't managed to really talk to her in a while." I quickly said, trying to change the subject. She got the cue and told me all about them. It was great to listen to her. I haven't seen Yelena this happy in a while and its great to know, that she finally found someone. We chatted a little longer and then it was time to get out of the jet.

We snuck around the building for a while, trying to make a picture of the outer layout and we already counted 25 guards. Then we made our way inside and Clint would be so proud of us for sneaking through the vents, again!! We crawled around for a couple of hours, drawing down a layout of the rooms and counting the guards. Kate was ahead of me and suddenly stopped walking. She dropped her whole body down and groaned. „What's wrong?" I whisper shouted. „I'm tired." she quietly cried out. „We're not done yet!" I answered and she groaned and started crawling again. After another 40 minutes we ended up in a dead end and didn't know how to continue. Then out of a sudden the tube we were in made a squeaky noise and with a loud thud we dropped on the ground underneath us. I rubbed the back of my head and groaned out. „Are you okay?" I whispered over to Kate and she groaned a yes. We got up and were about to find a way out of here, when we were surrounded by a bunch of guards.


We kept fighting and fighting, but for every man we knocked out another appeared and our energy was already lacking. Then we heard a loud bang and saw a little explosion above us. We held our hands over our heads to protect our bodies from the rubble falling on us. Everyone in the room stopped fighting and then I heard a voice yell at us: „Just give up already, or you'll find out what that gun does to a human body.". The blood in my body froze and it was freezing cold in the room out of a sudden. It sent shivers down my spine and when I turned around to look at the person who spoke, my nightmare came true. „Y/ way!" He yelled and he sounded excited. „You know each other?" Kate asked me, but I didn't respond. „You should be in prison..." I breathed and he started laughing. „And you should be dead. Let's see who wins at the end of this. Tie them up and throw them in the cage." He yelled and I know he used that word on purpose, because it sent horrors through my mind. „We'll catch up later." He said to me and then walked away. The guards led us down the hallway after putting tight handcuffs on us. They threw us in a cell and walked away after locking it.

The world comes first (Natasha Romanoff x fem Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now