Before you read the story

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Hey guys! I'm a complete newby when it comes to fanfiction or publishing, so I hope I don't make any mistakes or don't follow the rules. Please let me know if I do something wrong. This is a fanfiction about the mcu and it doesn't hold the correct information of all the movies. I played a lot with all of it, because I simply wanted a cute story that focuses on Natasha Romanoff. Its not so much about the actual movies. Ive read other stories and they used the marvel names, so i hope that's not forbidden. If it is, please let me know. Also this story will have some pretty dark topics, so if you are triggered by anything involving mental health issues (like SH), sexual assault or gory stuff, please don't read it. If you feel like I don't portrait certain topics appropriate, I'm deeply sorry and please let me know. I can only add my own emotions and experiences in these stories, but I'd love to get another insight or opinion on that. That's all and I hope you really like my story, please send me your opinion and let me know of ideas how to continue. I'd love to add other peoples ideas. Have fun reading it!!! Before I forget, the story also involves smut every now and then.

The world comes first (Natasha Romanoff x fem Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now