Chapter 14 - meeting the team

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The next three days were all pretty much the same. Thank god, I didnt have anymore nightmares. I mean, I didnt really sleep, to avoid waking up Natasha, but it obviously worked. I got up every morning at around 8 and went to the gym for three hours. Natasha had given my shoulder a green light and started to train me, or at least, tried to get me back in shape. Of course I had to show off every now and then about my excellent talent in throwing knifes and shooting. That was, what I was best at in the red room. My favorite now is close combat tho. I loved feeling her body close to mine and every now and then, I managed to get her on the floor too. Gosh, the tension between us was so strong. I wanted to rip her clothes off of her about a million times. Since the shower room, nothing else had happened between us and everytime I tried to talk about it, she changed subjects. It is so frustrating! But the confusing part is, that I catch her staring just as many times as she catches me...

Its around 6pm now and I'm about to meet the rest of the team. They came back from their mission about 10 minutes ago and wanted to get to know me at dinner. I'm so nervous. What if they don't like me? What if they aren't nice? What if they decide they don't need me and put me in prison with Tyler? It'll be alright. Stop stressing yourself even more, Y/N. I put on some comfy clothes and made my way to the living room. I could already here laughter and shouting from the hallway. When I entered the room, it all went quiet and I could feel everyone's eyes on me. Yelena ran over to me and hugged me. „Hey! I'm sorry I wasn't here these last days. I really wanted to show you around, but I was called out for this mission last minute." She apologized. „Its fine." I said, giving her a smile. „I heard you and Natasha got along pretty well." She chuckled. My face turned red. Did Natasha tell her anything? Does Yelena know what happened in the shower? „W...what..., what do you mean?" I stuttered, looking over to Natasha. „Nothing, she told me you had fun. Why are you getting all red?" She looked at me with suspicion. „Oh, nothing. I'm just nervous to meet everyone. Yeah, she's really great." I tried to be convincing and I guess it worked, cause she grabbed my hand and told me not to be nervous. We walked over to everyone and Yelena said: „Everyone! This is Y/N. Y/N! This is everyone!" We all starting laughing at her introduction. „Hello! I'm Thor." A guy on the couch said. He motioned me to sit down and I did. Then one another introduced themselves. „I'm Clint. The archer" , „Tony Stark or also known as the world famous iron man" , „I'm Bruce. Bruce Banner." „You are the doctor, right?" I asked, remembering my conversation with Natasha in the med bay. „Yes, exactly. I hope Natasha didnt break your shoulder while I was gone" He joked. I chuckled and Natasha complained „Hey! You weren't there and she is perfectly fine. Thanks to me. And I didnt even need to study medicine for this shit." We all laughed. They were really funny and nice. I don't even know why I was so nervous earlier. „I'm Steve and you might know me as Captain America, but my friends call me Steve." A blonde man spoke. „Sorry, I don't know any of you guys." I apologized. They all looked at me shocked. „How can you not know us? We are the Avengers!!! Probably more famous than anyone else!!" A teenage boy spoke. „I'm sorry. I kinda lived off grid, so I'm not up-to-date with anything." I felt really bad for not knowing them. „Its okay. You'll get to know us. I'm Peter by the way. Also called Spider-Man." He said with a smile. „Another spider, huh." I laughed, sending Yelena and Natasha a look. We sat there for a while and I listened to all the cool stories about their missions and how they became the Avengers. Every now and then I looked over to Natasha, who was sitting on the couch opposite to me. She was fixated on me and I could see the hunger in her eyes. I hoped nobody else saw that, but she didnt look away once. It made think back to the shower in the gym and I swallowed hard. The heat building up in my lower body from just thinking about it. I shifted a little in my seat and heard a chuckle from Natasha. She must have known what I was thinking about. How does she do that? Yelena plopped down next to me, startling me a bit. „Hey Y/N. We really need to get up to date. Like I want to know everything about you since we got seperated." „How about a movie night?" I asked. I want to know about her life too. She was one of the, if not the only close person I had in my life and it feels like she's a stranger now. „That sounds awesome!!! How about tomorrow night?" She asked excited. „Perfect!!" I answered with the same enthusiasm. Then Thor started to tell me all about the place he is from. I had not had any contact with somebody that is not from earth before that, so I was more than fascinated about what he told me. It was like listening to someone reading fairytales, except for the part where it is all real. After a while Yelena stood up next to me and told everyone 'goodnight' while walking out of the room. I turned away from Thor's face to see that everyone else had already left and the clock on the wall said it was 2am. I decided it was best for me to go to bed as well, so I told him 'goodnight' and went to my room.

The world comes first (Natasha Romanoff x fem Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now