Chapter 74 - just a dream

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A/N: So I just rewatched Jojo rabbit for the millionth time yesterday and I just keep seeing Scarlett interact with these kids in my head and thats exactly what inspired me for this chapter. Like the kids I'm talking about are basically Jojo and Elsa. So if you watch these two videos you'll get the atmosphere I'm trying to describe in the chapter. 

Hope you aren't mad at me for the last chapter. I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful day!!!

*Warning: smut in this chapter* Please accept the apology!!


„Mom! Mom, wake up" James yelled and jumped up and down on the bed. I groaned and buried my head in the pillow. „Noooo. Let me sleep, child. Go wake up Mama..." I complained and he started to tickle Me. „She sent me to get you, mom." He chuckled and we both started laughing. And then it quickly turned into a pillow fight, which I won of course. „I surrender. Please, I surrender." James yelled and we shook hands. „Now what does your mother want, James?" I asked him and kissed his cheek. „She made breakfast." He chuckled and we both walked towards the kitchen. We decided to scare Natasha and quietly hid behind the door. As soon as she walked passed us, we jumped out and yelled „Surprise!". She flinched and dropped the apple she was holding. „Jesus christ. That's what I get for making breakfast?" She chuckled and I gave her a kiss. „Gross!" Both the kids yelled and we all started laughing. „What? You don't want your moms to kiss? Come here my love..." Natasha shouted and pulled me into another kiss. „You guys are so disgusting." Amelia groaned. 

She was almost 15 years old and a beautiful girl. James just turned 10 last month. God, my kids are growing up so fast. I kissed my daughters head and sat down next to her. Natasha brought over the breakfast and we all ate together. „I'm going to meet up with some friends after school, okay?" Amelia asked after a while and Natasha and I shared a look. „What about ballet class?" I asked her. „That's not until 5pm. I'll walk there." She said and I nodded. „She's going to meet with this boy. I saw them kiss once" James said and both me and Natasha looked at our daughter. „What?" I whispered. „Nothing. Shut up James, you don't know anything." Amelia complained. „Amelia..." Natasha started, but she was cut off „No, I don't want to talk about it. I'm late for school. See you guys later." The girl quickly shouted and walked over to the door. „What just happened?" I groaned. „I don't know..." Natasha responded. „Come on little man, I'll take you to school" She then added and James jumped on her back and they walked out the door. I chuckled. I loved seeing their relationship. Natasha is so sweet with our kids.

Now it was quiet in the room. I quickly did the dishes and then sat down on the couch in the living room.

Then a moment of realization hit me. James and Amelia? Neither of them are here, neither of them are alive...

I wanted to call her Amelia...That's the name I picked out for the baby I never got to hold in my arms. After I lost her, I dreamed about her every night for a long time. I cried and I wished I could turn back the time, but I knew it wasn't meant to be. But now she's here and she's a beautiful young girl and I know this is not real, I know this is just a dream, but I don't care. I need this right now, I'm not going to wake up yet...


„We made some cookies guys." I yelled over to my family. Amelia was standing next to me and proudly looked over the plate of cookies we just made. Natasha and James were sitting at the table and worked on his homework. „But you know the solution, James. I explained it to you yesterday." Natasha groaned. „But I don't, Mama. I hate math." He complained. „How about a little break?" I walked over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. „Yes. Thank you, mom." He shouted and got up. He walked over to his sister and took a cookie. „You're spoiling them." Natasha complained and I chuckled. „So? Let me spoil them. You can be the bad guy." I smirked and she glared at me „I'm going to...". „What?" I interrupted her and kissed her cheek „You're going to do what? In front of the kids?". She groaned „I'm going to show you later..." She whispered into my ear and I took a deep breathe. „Why are you whispering?" Amelia asked and pulled us out of the moment. „Nothing. Nothing, your mom just doesn't want me to be so nice to you." I chuckled and felt Natashas tight grip on my waist. „Why not?" James asked. „That's not what I was saying. I just think it's important you learn math, honey." Natasha defended herself and we all started laughing.

The rest of the day, we hung out in the living room. I was sitting on the couch, reading a book and James and Amelia were watching tv. Then in the movie they were watching, a song started playing and Natasha gasped „This is my favorite song!". She stood up and walked over to James swaying her hips „May I ask for this dance, sir?". He chuckled and got up. Amelia and I watched the two dance around the living room. Then Amelia stood up and pulled me up with her. We joined them and now we were all dancing to the music. When the music stopped playing we all sat back down and laughed.

Then it was time for dinner. The kids were still watching Tv and Natasha and me started cooking together. She turned on the radio and when another song started playing, I felt her hands on my waist, pulling me closer to her. Her front was pressed against my back and she swayed her hips again. „You have great dance moves, babe. How come I never got to see them before?" She whispered into my ear seductively. „You never asked me to dance..." I whispered back. Then she swirled me around and connected our lips. I rested my arms on her shoulders and pulled her closer into me. She had a tight grip on my waist and moved us around the room to the music. „I love you so much!" I whispered and she smiled at me „I love you more!". „I love our family!" I then said and I had tears running down my face, because I know that this is not real, but I want it to bad!


„Is he finally asleep?" Natasha yelled from the bathroom and I chuckled. I walked over to the bed and took off my clothes. „Yes. Remind me, never to give him Coca Cola for dinner again." I groaned. I was in the middle of pulling my shirt over my head, when I felt hands on my stomach. I pulled the shirt completely off and turned around to look into my wife's eyes. They were dark and filled with hunger. „Can I help you?" I smirked. „I promised you earlier, that I was going to show you something..." She whispered seductively. „Oh yeah, I forgot...You want to scold me for calling you the bad guy?" I chuckled, but her expression didn't get softer, if anything, she got more serious. Her hands wandered down to the waistband of my pants and pushed them down. Then she walked me backwards to the bed until my legs hit the mattress. „You don't want to apologize? This is your last chance Y/N..." She said and I chuckled „Oh, I'm not planning on apologizing.". She pushed me down on my shoulders and when my back hit the cold sheets, i gasped. She took the chance and pushed her tongue into my mouth.


Her hands were roaming my body and mine wandered over hers. I pulled on her shirt to get her to take it off, but she grabbed my hands and trapped them above my head, which made me scoff. „So I have to be naked and you're not even going to take off your shirt?" I complained. „I gave you the chance to apologize. Bad Girls don't get rewards, so you won't get to see me naked." She chuckled and I glared at her. She connected our lips again and I pushed against her grip on my hands, but it just got tighter. Her other hand wandered down to my center and she stroked over my folds. „So wet already..." She whispered and I took a sharp breathe, not wanting to give her the satisfaction and moan. „Oh you can try and hold it back, but I'm going to make you scream my name." She chuckled. Her thumb started to slowly circle over my clit and I bit down on my tongue. Fuck, this feels good. Soon after she pushed two of her fingers inside of me and I couldn't contain my noises any longer. I moaned into her ear and she laughed out. „Told you so..." She whispered and quickened her thrusts. After a while she let go of my hands to caress my boobs with her now, free hand. My hands quickly attached to her back and pulled her closer towards me. I was panting and moaning and I was a mess. I felt the knot tightening in my stomach and she felt it too, because she just speed up her movement even more. Only a couple moments later I came on her hand. Her tongue in my mouth thankfully muffled my moans, because I didn't want to wake up the kids. She let me ride out my high and slowly took out her fingers. 

Then she kissed my forehead and stood up. I pulled her back „Don't go. I want to cuddle." I whispered and looked at her. The expression in her face had changed now and she looked so sad. „You know I have to go..." She whispered and walked away again, but I didn't let go of her hand. „Please Natasha. You can't go. You can't leave me, I need you. We need you. James and Amelia need you." I pleaded with her, tears in my eyes. „They don't need me and you don't need me either, Y/N. I have to go..." She said and I wanted to pull her back again, but she disappeared.

I shot up and looked around. The room was dark and when I turned on the lights, I was back at the compound. No James, No Amelia and no Natasha...

I got released from the med bay yesterday. I was there for another 4 days after Natasha left. She hasn't come back yet and I feel so lost.

She promised me, she'd never leave and now shes gone. What did I do? She never even told me what I did wrong...Why did she leave me? I need her...

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