Chapter 79 - Age of Ultron pt1

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Authors note:

I'm so sorry for taking forever but I was really struggling and especially with including the movies, which I will be needing for the next chapters. I decided to give up on quoting everything and that kind of stuff, which I planned originally, so please don't be mad at me for getting certain things differently and not going exactly like the movies. I'm hoping to be dropping about 3-4 chapters today, so thank you all for being so patient and thanks for the support!!! 

And please comment and vote and let me know how you like it!!! I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

Y/Ns POV:  

When we got closer to the compound something was off. Nat and I both shared a look and this bad feeling was settling in my stomach. I felt my girlfriends hand grip tighter on my thigh and it only made me be more scared. „What happened here?" I whispered and looked at the destroyed building. The glass of all the windows in the west wing were bursted through and there was a huge hole in the wall. „Nothing good." Nat sighed and parked the car further away from the building. „You think they are still in there?" I whispered and she threw one of my guns at me and just nodded quietly. We carefully got closer to a small side entrance, Nat in front of me and even though I'm just as well at fighting as she is, she always feels the need to protect me. We slowly worked our way through a field of destruction until we heard yelling and arguing coming from the jets. We rushed down the hallway and I sighed in relief when my friends faces appeared in the big hall. Tony and Steve were yelling at each other. „What happened?" I screamed at the top of my lungs to make them stop arguing and it worked. All eyes were on Natasha and me now. „Thank you for stopping those two idiots, Y/N. Guys we need to hurry. Get your asses in the jet!" Clint shouted through the room and everyone started to make their way into the airplane. Natasha pulled me in behind her, even though I tried to resist, because I don't like to be kept in the dark. We all sat in quiet for a little until I couldn't take it any longer „Can someone now please tell us what the hell happened and where we are going?". Clint walked over to us and sat down next to me. „Theres this robot Ultron, Tony and Bruce built and it turned evil or something and tried to kill us and now it disappeared. We need to find it and kill it before anything bad happens." He explained. „A robot? But couldnt Tony just shut it off?" Natasha chimed in. „No I cant, because its not a robot. It's an AI and its not our fault. It just wants what we programmed it to do, which is world peace and I guess we are endangering that." Tony explained. „So this is all your fault?" Natasha growled at him, making him shut up. I sent her a glare „I'm sure Tony and Bruce had good intentions." „It doesnt matter, they put us and the whole world in danger and all for nothing." Steve yelled angrily. „Why are you so mad at someone who is trying to do something good Steve? I believed you when you told me that my dad is a good guy. I believed you when nobody else did. You know Tony and Bruce would never try and purposely hurt the team." I sat back down on my chair with a sigh. Steve looked to the ground shamefully „You're right. I'm sorry. Let's just forget about who's fault this is and just fix it, before anything bad can happen.".

Then it was quiet again. Everyone was trapped in their own thoughts. I felt Natashas hand rubbing up and down my back. I was anxious. Anxious and scared of what we are about to walk into and she could feel it. I rested my head on her shoulder and looked around my team mates tired faces until it stopped at Yelenas empty chair. „Wheres Yelena? And where's Kate?" I yelled out and searched through my friends faces to get the answer I'm too scared to hear. „She got the fight... Yelena." Bruce admitted and now Natasha was just as tense as I was. „How badly?" She whispered. „She'll be okay. Her leg got trapped under rubble and she can't walk. Kate is staying with her to take care of her." He continued and I sighed in relief. I grabbed Natashas hand and snuggled back into her side. „She's going to be fine, Natasha." I whispered into her ear and felt her body relaxing.

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