Chapter 1 - Enemy or friend?

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„We are going out! Put on something nice!" Tyler said and threw one of Y/Ns dresses at her „And hurry up!!". Y/N had been lost in her thoughts and now looked very confused at him. He usually doesn't let her leave the house. „Where are we going?" she asked. He answered really harshly and angry now „This is none of your business. Get dressed and meet me in the car!". Y/N put on the dress and ran downstairs to the garage.


The ride seemed endless. I looked out the window and took in all the beautiful things we passed. I always forget how big and beautiful the world outside the house is. Then I noticed Tyler's hand wandering up my thigh and wanted to shift away, but I know it would only make him angry and the result would be really painful for me, so I just let him. After about 2 hours we arrived in the middle of NYC in front of a really big bank. „We are gonna get some money here! Come on, do as I say!!". I looked at him confused, but then realized we were going to rob the bank. I hoped there weren't a lot of people inside. I really don't want to hurt anyone, but sadly the bank was packed. No way, we could get in and out without killing someone. Tyler dragged me inside and pulled out a gun. Telling the employees to give him all the money they have in the counters or he will kill them. I held the bag and went from counter to counter to collect it. I could see the fear in everyone's eyes and felt a horrible pain in my chest. I know what that fear feels like and I never wish it to anyone. I was hoping that nobody was gonna play the hero and get in our way, but right as we wanted to leave, a little boy appeared in front of us. He couldn't have been older then maybe 7. He had a robot mask on his face and said: „Stop! I'm Iron man and you cannot leave. Put the money back!!" I froze and looked at Tyler and knew exactly what he wanted to do. He just smirked and started laughing really hard. „And what are you gonna do, little kid? You chose the wrong day to be a hero, right Y/N?" He said. I almost whispered: „ Please Ty. He 's just a kid. Let's just leave, please." „How many times did I tell you not to use my name in public!" He said and gave me a slap on the cheek. „Now this little fella deserves a fight. Take him out and I won't be too rough on you tonight." I just stared at him, in fear and didn't even make the impression that I would actually consider hurting the kid. „Either u do it nicely or I'll hurt him." He said. He got impatient and I could see him reaching for his gun. I kicked his side and then threw myself in front of the child to shield him from the bullet, that had just left Tylers gun. It hit my shoulder and I let out a groan. „What the hell, Y/N. You just signed your death." He said as he reloaded the gun. But the second he held it towards my face, he got thrown back by someone behind me. „Not today dude. We don't kill people here." I heard someone say and turn around, hissing at the pain in my shoulder. I couldn't believe my eyes, because the man I saw wore a suit with a mask, just like the little boy flying about 10 feet above me. Who was he and why did he help me. „Now to make this quick, u put the money back and then you'll come with us, without a fight, because there are a lot of people here who we don't want to get hurt." The man said and took the bag out of my hand. Then two more people appeared in the room. One of them was a man dressed like the American flag. He walked over to Tyler and put him in handcuffs. The other person, a brown haired woman, went over to me and harshly put my arms on my back and put the handcuffs on making me almost scream from the pain in my shoulder. She ignored that and roughly pulled me up. They walked us to the back of a van and once they tied us to the walls we drove somewhere. „When we get out of here, you will wish the bullet would have hit your face." Tyler hissed at me. I had trouble staying awake from the bloodloss and the pain, so I didn't really react to what he said. Then, after about 20 minutes, I gave up and lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was confused. It was dark and quiet and i was lying on a cold floor. I can feel the bandage on my arm, so somebody must have taken care of my wound, but nobody was here. I sat up and could see that I'm in a glass cell. There's nothing in here except me and a cup of water next to me. I just wanted to turn around and sleep another hour. My body is exhausted and for once i don't have to worry about Tyler surprising me while I'm asleep. As I was about to lay back down I heard a voice coming from the dark. A woman, she sounds quite young and nice. I turn back around and look into her green eyes. „I know you helped this little boy. Why did you do it? Betraying your partner for that." She said. „He's just a kid. He didn't do anything wrong." I said almost as a whisper, still feeling horrible about what almost happened. „Neither did the employee your partner killed." She said sharply. „He's not my partner..." I said with tears in my eyes feeling so guilty for all the pain we caused. „Then what is he? Your boss? How does a young girl like you get in that kind of business?" „I could ask the same. You don't look much older than me." I defended myself. „I'm the one asking the questions." She pointed out annoyed. „It doesn't matter, really. What is going to happen to me now? Prison?" I asked without wanting to get questioned any longer. „That was the original plan, until we realized your boyfriend is a former red room soldier. We are not quite done with you. Do you know anything about that?" She asked. „No, i don't. Maybe you should ask him that." I hissed back at her. „Will do. There's a glass of water and maybe if you are nice next time, you could get some painkillers too." She said, turned around and left me there alone in the dark again. I sat there staring against the door for a while until i decided to sleep a little longer. I woke up in the dark room again. It hasn't changed since I closed my eyes. I don't know how long I was out or what time it even was, because this room I was in doesn't have any windows. I slowly sat up and looked around the room. My hands wandering over my face, then my shoulder and down to my thighs where they helped me pull myself up to stand. I circled around the room and checked every corner, waiting for someone to magically appear out of the darkness. I started to think about what had happened, about my past. This is not the first time I was in a cell. It brought me back to when I was captured by the red room, locked in a cell with lots of other young girls waiting to be selected. I was only 4 back then. It made me think of the little blonde girl that sat with me and cried with me. Being with her always gave me some sort of happiness and calmness. We've gone through a lot together, but then we got seperated and I never saw her again. It has been 7 years since I last saw her. I hope she is still alive, I couldn't bear the thought of her being dead, even if we aren't around each other anymore. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize the people standing outside my cell. Two women, in catsuits. „Y/N..." I froze. I knew this voice too well.

The world comes first (Natasha Romanoff x fem Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now