Chapter 63 - I am your father

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The next morning Natasha convinced me to have breakfast with the team, so we made our way down the hallway into the kitchen together. Everyone else was already there, eating. „Uhhhh, the two lost ones." Clint yelled and started laughing. „Are the two Ladys going to join us at the table?" Thor questioned and I sent him a nod. I prepared two plates for us and sat down next to Nat, handing her one. She thanked me with a kiss on my cheek, which earned some whistling and a death stare at them from her. I just chuckled and it didnt take long for me to dive into a discussion with Clint and Kate. They are so funny together and I love watching their dynamic. Its almost like a father and daughter relationship and I'm really happy for Kate, because I know shes had a rough couple of months. I mean her dad died when she was young and her mom just totally betrayed her and now Clint has kind of taken her under his wings and its just the cutest to watch. It even makes me jealous sometimes, because I don't have a dad and I never had one, but that doesn't mean I'm not 100% happy for Kate. „Hey, Y/N. I was looking for you. Do you have a second?" Steve shouted over to us. He was standing in the door. Natasha squeezed my hand underneath the table to ask me what's wrong, but I dont know what he wants from me, so I just motioned her that its no big deal. I stood up and followed Steve into the other room. „What's up?" I asked him. „I...We...Tony and I..." He stuttered, obviously very nervous about something. „Steve. What's wrong?" I pushed. „We found him." He whispered and my eyes widened. „You did? Where is he?" I questioned. „Downstairs." He said quietly. „Did he say something?" I asked him again. „He only wants to speak with you." He then sighed and my body tensed up a bit. I dont know how to feel about this man. Sometimes I want to get to know him and find out who he is and other times I think about the pain I or especially Natasha went through, because of him and it scares me. „Oh..." I sighed. „You dont have to. We can leave him in the cell a little longer, maybe then he'll talk." He responded, but I shook my head. „No. I think I want to talk to him. I want this bullshit to stop and I need him to tell me who he is and how he knows me." I groaned and he motioned me towards the elevators. We made our way to the cell block. In the very back of this floor we got to the cells, that were design for the hulk. Steve locked him in one of those just to make sure, he cant get out. I put my hand on Steves chest and made him stop walking. „Can I talk to him alone?" I asked him and the expression on his face told me, he wasn't too happy about it, but he agreed and left me alone in the room.

I walked closer towards the cell, until I was only a couple of feet away. I coughed lightly to make him aware of my presence and he quickly turned around and looked at me. It was awkward between us, considering the last time I saw him, we hugged and then I was thrown in a cell myself. „Hey..." I said quietly. „Hello." He answered and came closer to the glass. „Steve told me you wanted to talk to me." I then said and I could see a lot of different emotions going through his mind. I saw anger and sadness and there was just so much darkness in them. It reminded me of myself. Being so lost, that you dont even know who you are anymore. „Yes." He answered. „Well, Im here. What do you want to talk about?" I continued. „Who are you?" I added. „Is your friend alright?" He asked and I know that he just tried to avoid my questions, so I sighed and nodded lightly. „Thats good. I'm really sorry about that." He whispered. „Okay. Is that all? Because I'm not happy with that. You cant keep doing this. Tell me who you are. Tell me why you didnt kill me. I want answers." I yelled at him, now a little more frustrated. „What if you dont like them?" He sighed. „What does that even mean? I'm not a child and you dont know me. You dont know what I like and what I dont like, so spit it out or I'm gone." I hissed at him. „What do you remember from your childhood?" He then asked. „The place I grew up in?" I chuckled and his face looked confused. „I dont know. Punishment, Guns, Close combat, torture... You want me to go on?" I sounded really harsh, but I didnt have a childhood and Im sure he knows about that. „So it was the red room who took you..." He sighed and his face got all sad out of a sudden. „I always hoped I was wrong..." He then added. „What are you talking about?" I was the one confused now. „Do you remember anything before that life?" He then asked and it got me thinking, but all I've ever known is the red room. „My parents gave me up. They didnt want me and so I got raised by psychopaths. I dont know what you are expecting me to say. My parents were screw ups." I shouted at him. „Is that what they told you?" He asked and I just nodded, uncomfortable talking about my parents. „Y/N. You were kidnapped when you were four. Your mother and I looked everywhere for you." He said after a while. „What?" I asked. „Thats bullshit. She was a junkie and sold me for drugs." I yelled. „No. Thats not true. She loved you more than anything in this world." He said. „How would you know? How do you know her?" I breathed, unsure wether I should believe him or not, but his body language doesn't seem to lie. „I'm your father, Y/N. I raised you until they took you from us." He then whispered and I looked at him shocked. I didnt expect that. There were many ways I expected this conversation to go, but this was none of them. I was overwhelmed with the situation and felt panic rise in my chest. I was not about to have a panic attack in front of this man, so I stormed out of the room. I let myself drop down on the opposite side of the door and cried into my arms. This is too much. It cant be true. He just wants to get out of here. I slowly calmed myself down and decided to prove that he was lying. I know that Tony stores a dna sample of every person that gets thrown in one of the cells, so I will test it with my dna and see if he really is my father.

I've been in the lab for 2 hours now, sitting in front of the computer, which is identifying the two different dna strings. It takes so long and I cant wait anymore. Its frustrating. I had at least another 3 panic attacks, since I left the cell block. „Hey kiddo, what are you up to?" Tony shouted from the door, startling me. „Again? I'm getting really good at sneaking up on you." He chuckled proudly. I still felt a little uncomfortable around him, but I'm trying. „I'm just running a couple of tests." I sighed and he came around the table to look at the screen. „Why are you comparing dna?" He asked confused. „I just want to know if they are a match. Doesn't matter why, Tony." I grumbled a little annoyed. „Okay, fine, but if you do it like that, it'll take you hours. Let me help you." He said and I nodded. He took over the computer and typed in a couple of codes, changing the string run. It sped up the whole process and I was grateful for that. My nerves were wrecked and I needed a result soon. „How are you doing anyways?" He asked after a while and I sighed. „I'm fine." I answered. „Look, Y/N. I'm really sorry. About everything and I miss hanging out with you. I need my old tech buddy back." He whispered. „I dont know Tony. I've got a lot on my mind right now..." I groaned and let my head sink in between my arms, locking them above it. „Hey...You want to talk about it? Is it about that Barnes?" He put a hand on my shoulder and I growled at him, making him pull it back immediately. „Sorry..." He said. „But I'm here, Y/N. I'm here if you need someone to talk to." He then added and before I could respond, a ping, coming from the computer, pulled my attention towards it. „The results are in." Tony said and started to read through the information. „Its not a match." He continued and I felt the anger start to build up in my chest. He was lying. I stormed out of the room and made my way down to the cell block. Steve came in my direction and looked confused: „Are you okay? Where did you disappear to? How did it go with Bucky?" But I completely ignored him. I pushed the doors open and James jumped up from his bed. I rushed over to him and stopped right in front of his cell. I bashed my fist against the wall, trying to get some of that anger out. „You lied." I shouted at him and he looked so confused. „I didn't. I promise I didnt." He defended himself, but I was raging with anger. „I defended you. I lost a really good friend because of you. You hurt my friends, you hurt me. Almost killed me and I still defended you." I kept shouting. „No, I know. I'm sorry, Y/N, but I didnt lie. I promise, Y/N. I didnt lie." He said. „I tested your dna." I yelled and he looked at me confused. „I compared it to mine. It wasn't a match. You aren't my father. Why would you even say that? Who are you? And what the fuck do you want from me?" I yelled and I saw tears build in his eyes. He got frustrated himself. „Y/N. Please believe me, I'm your father. I wasn't lying. I promise." He cried. „I dont give a fuck about what you promise. Its bullshit. Science can prove that, we aren't back in the 40s anymore." I growled at him. „I'm not lying." He breathed. „But you are." I turned around and was about to leave, when he pulled out something from his pocket. „If I'm lying, explain this." He held a piece of paper against the glass. I walked back towards the cell and the paper turned out to be a photograph. It was old and outworn. On it I saw James holding a baby in his arms and...I gasped. The other person on the photo was a woman and...and she looked so much like me. I traced my fingers over the woman's face and immediately memories of her voice and her laugh appeared in my head. „Mom..." I breathed. „Do you believe me now?" James whispered and pulled the picture back from the glass. „No, please can I look at it again?" I whispered and he put it back. The family I could see looked so happy, James looked so happy and it made me sad. „What's her name?" I whispered and he sent me a smile: „Y/N....". I smiled back at him. „What is she like?" I asked after looking at it for a while. „You remind me a lot of her..." He whispered and smiled at me. I smiled back and for a second we shared a moment. „But the dna. Its not a match. How is this possible?" I asked, confusion in my voice. And then I spotted it, he looked nervous, like he knew something that he wasn't telling me. „But I am your father." He whispered and tried to avoid meeting my eyes. „Then why aren't you looking at me?" I questioned and he slowly raised his chin until our eyes met. „I...I..ahm..." He stuttered. „What are you not telling me?" I shouted, frustration rising in me once more. „Y/N, please. I'm not hiding anything." He pleaded, but I couldnt be calmed. I am exhausted and tired and I'm so sick of people lying to me. „Then don't tell me..." I growled and made my way back to the door. „I raised you. I was there when you were born. I gave you your name. Nothing else matters." He yelled after me. „I have been lied to and controlled my whole life. I never got to make my own decisions, I was never told anything about my life and if you'd really care about me, like you keep saying, you'd tell me. If you know who my father is, I have a right to know." I yelled back. „I AM YOUR FATHER" He shouted and he sounded a lot more angry now. „You know what I mean. Do you know who got my mother pregnant?" I asked and turned around. „Y/N." He pleaded and with that I left the room. I was so tired of this shit. I went straight to the gym to get some of that anger out. 

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