"What do you mean? Why does my grandpa have to train alone?" Pan asked.

"It's not alone, it's simply different," Old Kai explained. Then he rubbed his hands together. "Now, let's get started!"


Baby smiled at his reelection in the Dragon Balls. Gently, he set the last one down. Backing up, he called out loudly, ignoring the fact that he was using the Saiyan's voice.

"Dragon! Come forth and grant my wish!"

There was a bright flash of yellow light as lightning shot up into the sky. Slowly, it took the form of a great, red dragon. Baby's smile grew wider.

Finally! he thought.

"I am the Eternal Dragon, Shenron. Speak now so I may return to my slumber," the Dragon spoke, his deep voice echoing all around the Truffle King.

"Bring back the original Truffle planet!" Baby hollered to the heavens, excitement coursing through him.

Shenron's eyes glowed red; the same shade of his body. When they returned to their normal, yellow color, he spoke once more.

"Your wish has been granted." And with that, the Black Star Dragon Balls flew up to meet him.

With another flash of light, the Dragon Balls were off, scattering not around the world, but around the Galaxy.

Looking up at the sky, Baby laughed with delight when he found his home world, floating in the sky. It was as red as the body of the Dragon that brought it back.

"At long last! Planet Truffle has been restored!" Baby cried, continuing to laugh.

Planet Truffle, also known as Planet Vegeta, was larger than the moon, though not by much. It itself didn't have a moon, but that didn't bother Baby one bit. His race, unlike the Saiyans, didn't have a use for a moon. The only thing it would signify would be day and night.

Baby stared at the beautiful new planet for a couple of minutes before walking inside, a triumphant grin on his face.

"Hieta!" Baby yelled. Almost instantly, a Truffle in the body of Bulma came running up.

"Yes, my Lord?" she asked.

"Prepare the ships. The wish has been made and we now have a year until this miserable rock implodes," he ordered, not stopping.

Hieta nodded, running off. Baby forged ahead, making a beeline for the Throne Room. Upon entering, he found his wife sitting on her chair, looking out the window. She had a perfect view of the new planet and her eyes were almost as wide as it.

"Breathtaking, isn't it? Baby asked, walking up beside her. Slowly, she nodded.

"How long until it can be inhabited?" Unmei asked. All her life she had dreamed of living on her home world. The one that the filthy Saiyan monkeys took over. Now, that dream was finally coming true.

"Two days at the most until we make the trip," Baby said. "The rest of the population has to wait. The final ship should leave in about a month."

"A month to vacate the planet?" Unmei asked her husband, tearing her gaze away from the red planet. He nodded.

"And that's only with those lucky enough to make it here on time," Baby told her, smirking. Suddenly, Unmei couldn't keep a smile off her face.

Jumping up, she flew into the Truffle King's arms. His smirk grew.

"We're going home!" Unmei cried, laughing.

"Yes, we are," Baby agreed, thrilled to have finally be giving his wife something worthwhile.

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