«There you are» my mom says as she comes out of the kitchen, and I give her an awkward sideways hug as I'm holding Emilia. «Ah-ah-ah» she babbles and grab onto the top of my dress pulling at it «you want milk Emilia?» I ask her but she is too little to actually say anything. We have figured so far that she gets where she needs to go when she is hungry, so she started to pull on my shirt a few days ago.

«I'm going to go feed her» I say and grab her diaper bag before heading up to my childhood bedroom. it hasn't actually changed since I moved out other than the fact that there is now a crib in here for her when either my parents babysit her, or we are all over here.

I'm wearing a warp dress that lets me get to my chest easily, so I get a boob out of her, and she starts nursing. It really doesn't hurt anymore when she nurses, now it's just a special time between us. But she is a loud eater, and I can clearly hear her sucking which I find adorable. It's amazing that my body Is literally producing what she needs to grow, it amazes me whenever I really think about it.

Alex comes in with our bags and I smile when I see him «I figured little missy was hungry right around now» Alex says, and I nod.

«She is also six months old today. God time has passed by quickly» Alex says as he sits down on the edge of the bed. «It's crazy to think about that she has been here for so long. And hey today also marks a year since I got this ring on my finger» I say and think back to that day.

The proposal was just perfect, there isn't really any other way to explain it. There is nothing about it I want to change, everything was just a dream. my next Christmas we will be married with a one-and-a-half-year-old daughter.

After I finish feeding her, we head downstairs to mingle with everyone else. It's not that long until she will be put to bed, and we will eat dinner, but everyone will get cuddles first. She we have figured that starting her bedtime routine around 6:30 and putting her to bed at around 7pm is the perfect time for her now.

«There my favorite grandchild is» Viviane says as she sees us walking into the room and I chuckle, Emilia is her only grandchild but it's still cute. «Yeah she wanted some food before she came to join the party» I say and hand her over.

While our daughter gets handed around, I sit down on the couch cuddled into Alex's side. Watching everyone gush over our daughter makes me really happy, sure she as hell is loved by so many people.

«You are so beautiful» Alex whispers to me and I grin at him «says you» I mumble back. He is handsome, has always been handsome. But after becoming a dad he is even more handsome; I don't know why but he just is. Parenthood looks hot on him.

«How is Liam Kenzie?» I ask her and she blushes. She has been dating this boy in her class, Liam, for the last three months and she seems really smitten with him. «He is good, visiting family for the holidays» she says and can't stop smiling. He is a football player and moved here a year ago. I don't know how serious they are, but she seems happy and that makes me happy. I just hope she doesn't take steps that she isn't comfortable with because I don't want to see her pressured into something.

«Aurora when is the qualifier for the Olympics again?» I ask my other sister. She has been working her ass of trying to get a spot on the Olympic team. She is on team USA and go to national training camps, but no one is guaranteed a spot on the Olympic team. «Early may. I'm going to compete there though, they told me I got a spot at the qualifier. Now it's just about working my ass off until then so I can make the team»

Going to the Olympics have been her dream for years, and I think she can make it. She puts everything, and then some, into her training which is really paying off for her. She placed first at worlds this year and is on fire. But one bad performance at the qualifiers can break her Olympics dreams. I know she is nervous even if she doesn't want to admit it because I know her.

All three of us are so different, but in a good way. It's good that we are individuals that have our own stuff going on. I am on the track to be a lawyer; aurora has her eyes set on the Olympics while Kenzie is thinking about going into nursing because she wants to work with kids with cancer. All three of us are drastically different but we are closer now than we were as kids. Kenzie is a sophomore and aurora is a junior, but she is homeschooled. Both of them are growing up too and I hope that we will only get closer as the years go on.

Emilia starts crying in Meghan's arms shaking her little chubby arms towards Alex and I, so Meghan hands her over. «What's up baby girl. Wanted mommy and daddy cuddles?» I ask her and she leans into me cuddling her head into my chest. «She is a mommy girl that's for sure» Alex says, and I chuckle.

** the next morning **

We had a late-night last night, but with a six-month-old we still get up when she wakes up, around 7am. This morning she does not seem like her happy bubbly self though, she seems a bit off. When I change her, I notice that the eczema that she has on her leg is getting yellow which looks concerning. It has puss draining from it and the last two days its only gotten worse. I don't know what we are supposed to do, but it probably needs to be seen by a doctor because now there is swelling happening, it won't heal over, there is redness around it and there is this yellow stuff coming out.

«Alex» I wake him as she is laying all wiggly on our bed as I was about to change her. He wakes up with a groan «what's up» he says in his morning raspy voice.

«The eczema on her leg is only getting worse and this looks infected. You know how it had that yellow crust the last couple of days? Yeah now it's worse because its puss coming out, its swelling and won't heal, as well as red around the edges. It really doesn't look good» I say and say I'm going to go get my mom so she can look at it.

«Mom» I say and walk into their room, they are still asleep, but I need her help, so I gently shake her. «Mm. Ellie, what's wrong?» She asks rubbing her eyes. «You know the eczema on Emilias leg? Yeah, its bad now. Can you come look at it because I don't know what to do» I say, and she comes with me.

«I felt her forehead and I think she might be getting a fever» Alex says so while my mom looks at the wound Alex gets the thermometer to check her temp.

«This doesn't look good. Like I'm no doctor but a wound getting yellow is always a bad sign. I remember when you got shot and that was healing, we were told to come back if it got yellow stuff coming out because it could mean that its infected» my mom says and Alex takes her temp, its 38,9 degrees that's a fever at her age.

«Yeah, I think we should call the ER because I don't like this» I say and go to make the call.

The lady I'm taking with seems really nice and we are told to come in right away because this is really concerning. Fuck this is not how I wanted her first Christmas to go.


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