☆ *Trying* To Get Out of First Line ☆

Start from the beginning

"A good argument always wakes me up. Now let's go." Vivian said vaguely like most of her answers. Stiles gave her a look only looking away when Tara hit him on the shoulder.

They drove around the forest for a bit. After a bit They found Scott shirtless and holding his arm. They slowed to a stop and let him in. They all decided to give him space and waited for him to talk. Stiles kept stealing glances over at him, while Tara just stared at him struggling to hold back her questions. Vivian was focused on his injured arm.

"You know what actually worries me the most?" Scott said after a moment. He was curled into the corner of his chair.

"If you say Allison, I'm gonna punch you in the head." Stiles responded immediately.

"She probably hates me now." Scott said ignoring Stiles comment. Vivian scoffed and leaned back in her chair and covering her face with her hands. Tara was too worried to be fully effected by the comment.

"I doubt that." Vivian said her voice muffled by her hands but sarcasm still evident.

"You might want to come up with a pretty amazing apology." Stiles said back. "Or, you know, you could just.. tell her the truth.. and revel in the awesomeness of the fact that you're a freakin' werewolf."

"Stiles." Vivian said while Tara shot him a glare.

"Okay, bad idea." Stiles conceded. Scott sighed and looked out the window with a hopeless look on his face.

"Hey, we'll get through this." Tara reassured putting a hand on his shoulder earning two nods from the others.

"If I have to I'll chain you up myself on the full moon nights and feed you live mice." Stiles said also trying to reassure him. Vivian took a different road.

"Kinky." Vivian said quietly but everyone heard. They all let out surprise laughter.

"Did Vivian just make a sex joke?" Stiles asked amusement still in voice. "Mark the day and time."

They all fell into easy conversation after that. It was nice to go back to some kind of normal. While they all laughed Vivian kept thinking back to Stiles earlier comment about the full moons and couldn't help thinking.

She might have to do that for Sydney.


On Monday they dropped Scott off alone so he could apologize to Allison. They didn't really know how it went since Scott went radio silent. Currently Tara and Vivian were in the men's locker room looking for Scott. Tara had taken it personally and wanted to know what happened. She said it's because she cared about Allison's feelings, but Vivian knew a part of her wanted to know if Allison had dumped him.

"He better have apologized or I swear." Tara ranted to Vivian as they searched the locker room. The guys were use to them after a year so it wasn't really awkward, luckily.

"Tara, I promise you he has." Vivian said following behind Tara. "You know Scott. If he didn't then the guilt probably would have eaten him alive."

They found Scott a moment later, Stiles was peaking at him from behind the lockers. Scott was leaning against the lockers and looking just like he did in the car. It was pitiful. His eyes were confused and worried, his breathing was picking up, and he hadn't even noticed them yet.

"Did you apologize to Allison?" Tara asked with her arms crossed.

"Yeah." Scott said still looking ahead and not at them.

"Is she giving you a second chance?" Vivian asked this time.

"Yeah." Scott said again not even sparing them a glance.

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