Chapter 34

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This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. WHY WAS THIS HAPPENING?! Xenia ran to her collapsing brother. She recognized this spell well - it was designed to kill. No other outcome would come out of this. Tears flooded her eyes like tsunamis. "N-no..." was all she managed to choke out. "I-I-It c-can't e-end l-like th-th-this..."

She unclipped his helmet and couldn't hold back a sob. It was paler than pale - as white as a sheet. His eyes had trouble staying open. Worst of all, the amulet around his neck was flickering dangerously. "D-don't leave me... n-not after I've j-just found you again..." Xisuma lifted a weak hand and touched her cheek.

It pained her to see Xisuma like this and she realized with a jolt that his hand was freezing cold. "No..." she whispered. Xisuma's hoarse voice felt like nails scraping on a chalkboard. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Iskall back up, scowling, with a large, concerning gash on his arm. "Take care of the Hermits."

"I will," she whispered "I will." Xenia wanted to believe this wasn't true. Maybe if she focused on his lower half, she could almost believe she was just putting him to bed. Her brother meant the world to her. Her entire life was his safety. What would happen if he was gone? Xenia already felt her heart breaking into pieces.

Xisuma's life had always been in her hands and now, so was his death. His love, his passion, his music, it'd all be gone. Vanished as though never existent. But a scar would be left upon all of them. A lasting impression of the leader they'd lost. But he wasn't just a leader, he was her brother. 

The amulet's light began to fade along with the playful glint in his eye which Xenia loved. Slowly it was leaving. As was this life. For herself, she wanted to believe he'd be fine but she couldn't. She just wanted him to hear one last thing. His own music.
"Close your eyes
Don't let them take you over
Don't you cry
About mountains you hover
Let them die
Don't get too close
Don't run away
Stay with me
For all eternity"

She allowed herself to cry, accepting the inevitable.


Fighting Watchers was hard. At least for Grian.  The Hermits didn't look like they were having fun either. This wasn't the playful banter they'd have back home, this was a real battle. Not even the Civil War was this intense and the War was pretty intense. He was locked in battle with Lixar. Lixar was good at fighting. Crazy good. This was a pretty rare style of fighting among the Watchers.

He'd only fought Lixar once and now that Grian thought about it, that style seemed familiar. After a minute of the fight he realized. "Why are you fighting with the Voidwalkers?!" Lixar smiled. He opened his mouth to speak and in the split second it took, Grian realized: he'd never heard Lixar speak.

"Because, Gree-on, I only fight for Voidwalkers."

"N-not you! I-It can't be you! I-I thought - I thought-" Grian couldn't find his words but Lixar took them out of his mouth. "You killed me. I know. Watchers can come back to life if they aren't killed with Watcher magic." Grian growled "Then I know what to do." He sent a blast of magic at Lixar's chest and sent him toppling down into the Void.

Behind Grian, a light shone. Brighter and brighter. It blinded him and sent him to his knees. Once it was over, he saw a hand, waiting to pull him up. It was Mumbo's. In the distance he saw the Hermits. A lot of them were injured but nothing beyond healing. Grian turned aound and faced the source of the light. 

Standing there was his sister.

Her eyes had returned to lavender and they held genuine worry for her brother. "Zena!" exclaimed Grian, running towards her. He knocked himself into her arms. She gave into the embrace and stroked Grian's hair. "I'm sorry, Xelqua. For everything." Grian found tears running down his cheeks. "I love you too, Zena,"

Grian finally pulled away and found the Hermits standing in a circle. This sight filled him with dread because it was the same sight he saw when Xen died. Zena, noticing the circle as well, nodded and ran towards it with Grian. He pushed through the Hermits and what he saw caused his knees to buckle. 

Xisuma lay lifeless in the center of the circle. Tears fell down Grian's cheek once more but now they weren't of happiness, they were of grief. There was no sign of Lix and the Voidwalkers so that spell Zena cat must've been powerful. Most of the Hermits showed no shame in crying. Among whom was Xenia.

It must've been so hard for her, letting go. Hels tried his best to comfort her but even he failed. The knight may have loved her but the love Xenia felt for her brother was on a much higher level. Some of the other Hermits were trying to comfort their grieving friends but it was of no use. No one could patch up this hole where Xisumavoid used to lay.

Grian couldn't take it. He buried his face into Mumbo's chest and sobbed. Even though he and X weren't that close - heck, they'd been enemies in the war - he still felt a stabbing grief. Xisuma was gone. There was no bringing back, there was no re-spawn, there was no second chance. Finally Doc's deep voice pierced the silence "Let's take him back - the others deserve to know." Everyone agreed and the German carried X.

They may have won the battle but they'd lost a lot more.

Sorry for the late chapter. As an apology you get a longer chapter. If the epilogue doesn't come out today or tomorrow it may be late so sorry in advance for that. 

RB signing out!

<Ruby_Blue2010 left the game>

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