Chapter 8

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Xenia inhaled and exhaled. She wasn't ready for the battle ahead. Grian looked determined and angry. Xenia just figured anger runs this guy, sure. For Xia, anger didn't work. Not in the way she wanted at least. Vengeance is what drove her and she was ready to murder Xisuma.

The armies charged and as they did, loads of the Watchers took to the air, including Xenia. She scouted out for a vulnerable Voidwalker. "Element of surprise," she noted, seeing as Voidwalkers weren't great at dealing with that.

Meanwhile, Xen was battling a Voidwalker of her own. One particularly good at dueling. The words 'Don't underestimate them' rang through her head as she battled. She didn't fight to kill but they certainly did. She pushed the Voidwalker down and they fell, unconscious. She got her sword out and ran at the other Voidwalkers.

Grian was having a problem of his own. He fought, dove and rolled. His fighting skills was certainly better than the Voidwalker in front of him, but this one had a similar way of fighting. Grian thought it was just him and he told himself to suck it up.

Pearl was struggling but she managed, sorta. She blasted this Voidwalker back by magic and continued fighting with one who was blasted back. His techniques were sloppier and his dives were fails. She got past him and moved onto the other one.

Taurtis was struggling with problems of his own. He was trying to take down one Voidwalker who simply loved to use invisibility potions. He couldn't get a hit and was jump-scared every single time. He got a good hit with a blast of magic and sent the Voidwalker tumbling back. "Good to see Zanix fighting," murmured Xia.

Zena was good with controlling magic. She knew how and where to send a good blast. She had been told to keep killing to a minimum. Xen didn't want to kill, she didn't want to be like the Voidwalkers and Zena followed in her path.

Xenia fought her way through. "Man, they have way too many Voidwalkers," said Xenia. She fought like a tigress. Her sword as her claws, slicing anyone who came in her way. She wanted to fight, she had that killer instinct.

One particular Voidwalker looked unprepared and he wasn't fighting at all, as though he was waiting something. She swooped down on him, sword at the ready.

The figure was startled and swung around. Xenia hit him but was blocked. To her, the fighting style of this Voidwalker was similar. He wore the same armor as Xenia but it was green rather then red and the helmet was different. She recognized who it was within seconds of their fight. "Xisuma," she snarled.

Xisuma looked at her in surprise. He knew how much better Xia was at fighting. Far better than him, she was the one who trained more, she was far more dedicated.

They fought and fought, neither of them tiring, neither of them wanting to back down, both of them secretly wishing they could talk to each other as brother and sister.

Suddenly, suspiciously suddenly, the Voidwalkers backed off. They just fled. All the Watchers were suspicious and all of them suspecting.

As the Voidwalkers backed off, as the duels ended, a purple mist descended upon the Watchers. Nothing happened and the Voidwalkers were long gone.

A small circle of Watchers were huddled around something. Grian pushed his way through and asked what it was. A tearful Zena pointed down at the thing down below. Grian gasped and silent waterfalls ran down his face.

He crumpled to his knees and sobbed. Zena put her hand on his shoulder and sat beside him. Grian put his head on her shoulder and Zena stroked his hair.

"What's going on-" started Xia then she stopped. The young girl sat down beside the siblings. She didn't cry, she cried on the inside. Why were they mourning?

Because, in the middle of the circle, lay Xen, motionless and dead.

Xen, leader of the Watchers, mother of Zena and Grian, lay dead on the floor.

Did I kill Xen too early? Probably. Am I feeling bad? Not at all.
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