Chapter 15

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It had been a few weeks for Grian on Hermitcraft and he really was having a good time on the server. Xisuma seemed to have a knack for keeping people happy which made Grian feel all the more guilty. To keep Doc happy, Xisuma kept Mumbo with Grian as assurance for the creeper.

Xisuma didn't know the scars set upon both Grian and Doc by Watchers. As for Grian, he assumed X just wanted to look on the bright side but in his opinion, the bright side wasn't always ignorance. Xisuma, Doc and Grian all had different points of view but they surprisingly got along pretty well for a group this different.

As for Grian, he was starting to like Mumbo. The redstoner seemed pretty kind according to the gremlin. Grian was most interested in Mumbo's mustache and eyes which were a soft caramel color. For some reason this color reminded him of home and he like the warm feeling.

Mumbo went on and on about this thing called redstone. It all seemed peculiar to Grian, why couldn't they just use magic? Players were weird. 

During these long rants, Grian would usually fall asleep and Mumbo wouldn't notice until he saw Grian on the floor - and had a mini heart attack - he'd carry Grian to a bed. He watched as the young gremlin's chest rise and fall with every breath he took.

He brushed some hair out of the Watcher's eyes who was mumbling to himself. Slowly the mumbling grew louder and louder until Mumbo could hear what Grian was saying. "No, I won't. You can't take them. You can't! T-they didn't do anything!" Mumbo was now worried. What had happened? He hurriedly messaged Xisuma out of worry and in the meantime,

X came over in a minute and nodded at Mumbo who led him to where Grian was. Grian was shuddering now and Xisuma looked at Grian. He shook the little one who awoke with a start, cold sweat on his face. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" he asked kindly.

Grian shook his head and Xisuma backed off, seeing the obvious signs of Grian not wanting to speak. Mumbo looked worried and Xisuma thought he knew what was wrong. Grian had told X about what was happening at the Facility. Xisuma, however, didn't tell Grian of his past. The memory of Xia's face was too much for the admin.


It had been a few days since the incident and Grian was getting jumpy. Xisuma figured as much, thinking Grian's sister - Zena - had just gone power-hungry. Oh, how he'd wish that was the case later on. It was far more complex than that. No one - not even Grian - knew what the gremlin was capable of. Only Lix did and the man took the secret to his grave, right? Grian really should stop questioning things that were obvious. He did know one thing - he'd worry later but it sat at the back of his mind.

Zena was angry and her only goal was to destroy Grian and Hermitcraft. Two for the price of one.

Sorry for the late update :( but I'm trying. I just don't have enough plot. Please understand. And Griangst. We all like that.

RB signing out!

<Ruby_Blue2010 left the game>

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