Chapter 23

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Xisuma's eyes widened and tears threatened to spill from them. "N-n-no," he whispered, trying not to believe it. He sat down and held his head in his arms. Xisuma hoped it was all a bad dream - he'd wake up the next morning with Xenia splashing water in his face and yelling out his name. Of course, it didn't work out. He was back in Hermitcraft with all of his problems.

It was now very late at night and Xisuma found himself drifting to sleep until he snapped himself awake. Stress looked at him in concern, "Xisuma, maybe you should go to bed? You'll need the rest to get through the day." Xisuma shook his head, determined to stay beside his sister all night long, no matter what happened.

Stress sighed in defeat, knowing how persistent the admin could be - especially when it came to taking care of someone. Xenia didn't look so good - her skin was very pale and her breathing wasn't improving. No matter what both Xisuma and Stress did, Xenia wasn't healing. They were now very worried.

It was very late and many people had gotten to bed. Xenia was breathing lightly and fear hung in the. Fear of Xenia's demise. Xisuma paced along the room while Stress was hurriedly trying to brew potions. The smells of potions lingered in the air, making Xisuma dizzier and increasing his longing of sleep. What woke him is was Stress muttering, "We've lost her." The grief this brought caused tears to spill from the admin's eyes. His sister was gone forever.


Xenia's eyes fluttered open. All the pain had left her and she felt light. Xenia still had her wings and everything she wore. Examining her surroundings, she realized she was in the Void. No, wait - that couldn't be right. First of all, it was all white. It didn't hurt her and had a peaceful, homey feel to it as though she knew this place all her life. 

She seemed to be alone here so she decided to look around, wanting to know about her whereabouts. Finding out she could use her wings, Xenia propelled herself further. It seemed like an infinity room but unlike an infinity room which is finite; this was infinite. Her feet didn't touch the ground even while she wasn't flying.

After flying for a while, a silhouette was visible in in the distance. From where Xenia was, she could see that the person was tall. They had wings as well like hers and their hair was long. Coming closer she saw that this person looked like her but older. "Xenia!" exclaimed the Watcher "How are you here?" 

Xenia was surprised this person knew her name but that wasn't the point. The family resemblance was stunning as though this person was someone she knew. "Mom?" 
The figure smiled with a glow nonverbally telling Xenia she was right. "Oh honey, you grew up to be so pretty! I've been watching you, seeing how you grow and you have flourished!"

Xenia couldn't believe her ears. Her mother? How? That must've meant she was dead. Makes sense. She couldn't stop herself from running and embracing her mother. "Oh, darling, I'm sorry I couldn't have been there to help you. You've been though so much. Even though you are dead, it is not your time."

Xenia was confused. "Not my time?" Xenia's mom nodded. "You are not ready, dear. You must go back and fight the war. You mustn't give up like this. You won't die yet. Not yet." With that a blinding light flashed and her eyes were closed. Pain returned like a tsunami as her eyelids fluttered open. Xisuma was looking at her in shock. "What?" she asked, trying to make it sound as though she'd simply woken up from slumber.

"Xenia, you just came back from the dead."

SEE! I told you! Xenia won't die yet. Did I get ya? Anyway, sorry for the late upload. School's started up again and I'm trying to keep up. Thanks for the reads! I never thought we'd hit 3 reads, let alone 1K! Thanks!

RB signing out!

<Ruby_Blue2010 left the game>

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