Chapter 26

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Xenia laughed. "Knight of the Nether? I doubt that's your real name." The supposed 'Knight of the Nether' let out a chuckle which Xenia found cute. "Alright, yeah, you got me," he elbowed Xenia playfully "I'm Helsknight." Xenia pondered this for a second. "Helsknight? Are you related to Wels in any way?"

"I actually am," he said. His voice held a bit of distaste in it "The man's my brother or clone." a thoughtful expression came over Hels's face "I honestly don't know what to call him." Xenia had a suspicion that Wels and Hels were related. You'd have to be pretty dense to not realize it. "Hey," said Xenia, lifting Hels's chin a little bit "What's wrong? How come I've never seen you before?"

"I'm not supposed to be here." sighed Hels "What could I do? The Nether isn't the most - err - hospitable place, y'know." Xenia raised her eyebrows even though it wasn't seen under the helmet which the Watcher was grateful for. "Neither is the End," Xenia pointed out "And I've lived there most of my life."

"I suppose you're right," muttered Hels as though the knight hated admitting he was wrong. Somehow Xenia got the feeling that she was an exception. The Watcher brushed this unexpected burst of emotion off. It wasn't anything special, was it? The sun was setting now and the hues the sky was turning was simply stunning. 

"It's really pretty," said Xenia, loving the burst of color streaked across the sky. Hels smiled "Like you," he whispered under his breath, hoping Xenia didn't hear him but she did. The two of them blushed hard and Xenia was grateful for the piece of armor on her head. "How can you tell?" she asked, unable to keep the waver out of her voice.

"Like this," said Hels. He clicked the right buttons and pulled the helmet off. "I wasn't wrong." He grinned as Xenia blushed harder. The knight tucked a stray bit of hair behind the Watcher's ear. She chuckled as she accepted the helmet. After clipping it on to her belt she noticed Hels's blood red eyes which were very similar to hers.

They were the color of blood and held years of sadness in it. They gleamed like the reddening sky around them. The sun sank lower into the sky and a wave of dark blue washed over the sky as the moon rose and stars twinkled, reflecting in their eyes. Xenia realized how much time had passed but at this point, she couldn't care less.

The newfound duo laughed and talked in the dark of night, the only light coming from inside Grian's base. As they spoke, they spoke about pasts, betrayal, revenge, siblings - their feelings for all of which were very similar. "I love and hate Wels," said Hels "For one, he's my brother and for another he unknowingly banished me to the hottest place in Minecraft."

"Same with Xisuma," said Xenia "He's my brother and I love him now but he did banish me to the Void." Hels looked surprised. "Xisuma?" he asked "Admin of Hermitcraft? Literally everyone's father? The guy who can't say no if you ask him for help? I don't think we're talking about the same Xisuma." Xenia shook her head "He just didn't know he did."

"Oh," said Hels "sounds like him, doesn't it?" Xenia chuckled "Yep," The silence that followed wasn't uncomfortable, it held all the answers. They could talk for hours and not get bored - even though they had just met. Neither of them could control - not that they wanted to - the fluttering in their hearts like butterflies on a spring morning. They didn't notice the fireworks go off behind them.

"What is he doing here?!"

Ahh the fluff 💕! It's so fluffy! Oh my gods, Hex is such a fluffy ship I can't - ahhhh! All Hex shippers, ASSEMBLE!! Writing this made me smile! Ahhh HEX! Ok - ok - Imma stop obsessing over this ship~

RB signing out!

<Ruby_Blue2010 left the game> 

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