Chapter 6

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It was a dimly lit room in which there were two beds, a cupboard and a bunch of stuff one would find in a bedroom.

On one of the beds sat a boy. He looked to be about fourteen, no more, no less. He wore a green hoodie and black full-length jeans. His messy, brown hair refused to stay in place and his emerald green eyes had a glint of curiosity.

He sat on the bed and stared out into the void. It was dotted with stars. The ground outside was made of endstone and chorus fruits grew left and right. Endermen teleported about while the training grounds were visible. Teenagers of his age could be seen battling the strange creatures as a part of their training.

"Xaphan?" came a voice. The boy turned around to see a girl, his twin sister to be exact. She, like her brother had messy hair although it was white rather than brown. Her long hair was hastily tied up in a messy ponytail. A few strands of hair fell down to either side of her face but she didn't mind. Like her brother, she wore a hoodie which was black and she wore trousers milky white. A sword was in a sheath behind her back which was splattered with enderman blood. Her eyes were blood-red and they shone like the stars.

"Xaphan, where have you been?! You've missed four whole hours of training!" she said. Xaphan was startled. "Four hours? That's how long I've been doing this? Wow, Xenia. Time flies fast, doesn't it?"

Xenia rolled her eyes "Xaphan, I don't care whether time flies, runs or walks like a business man. You lost it!" Xaphan sighed. He knew his sister was right but he didn't want to believe it. "I just-" he started, "I just wanna know what happened to mom and dad. How did we get this scar?" The twins had a scar in the shape of an 'X' running across their face.

"Not this again" said Xenia playfully "Alright, come here you derp." She sat on the bed next to Xaphan and removed her sheath. She threw it on her bed and fiddled through her satchel. She found what she wanted. It was flute so small. 

She played a note on it and Xaphan's eyes widened in realization of what Xenia wanted to do. He rummaged through his own satchel until he found an acoustic guitar. He took the lead and Xenia did what he was doing.

The music wavered high and low as though it was telling a story of sorts. The music was optimistic and happy. It then descended into gloom and sadness. It lingered there as the few memories Xenia and Xaphan had of their parents came up to their eyes. It stayed in the gloom as though the music were trying to make peace with it. It then abruptly soared higher in the territory of pleasure. It hesitated as though looking down at the gloom, contemplating it, but then it soared and touched what we call 'joy'.

"Don't scare me, bro" said Xenia playfully as she nudged Xaphan and walked out.

Xenia remembered that moment to this day but she wasn't happy about it. She wanted revenge on her brother, Xisuma. Oh, how he would pay for leaving her. She wanted to make sure he felt the agony she did. What would she do? She didn't know... yet.

When she did get her moment, she was gonna make the most of it.

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