Chapter 32

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After winning the Civil War, Grian didn't expect to lead a battle for at least another week but here he was, leading a battle, before the week ended. He really needed to stop being the cause of destruction. Could he try? Yes, he could. Did he want to? No, he didn't. Starting wars was one of his more - err - destructive perks.

The cold of the End and the sense of foreboding lurking ahead sent a collective shudder throughout the group. They hadn't taken all the Hermits - just a few. In this group there were Iskall, False and Doc for their PvP skills, Stress for potions, Tango because the guy knew TNT - being its victim one too many times and they'd brought Mumbo because the taller Hermit wouldn't let Grian go alone. 

Xenia and Xisuma led the group while Hels guarded them from the back and yet Grian couldn't shake the sense of 'SOMETHING'S GONNA GO WRONG HERE! TURN BACK! TURN BACK!' Maybe that was just him. Judging by everyone's faces, he wasn't the only one feeling this. They weren't in Hermitcraft's End anymore, they were in the darkness of Minecraft.

The place where only the strongest beings resided. It was in this very End where he saw his mother dead. Here, the Watchers lived. Here, the Enderdragon fight was much, much harder and near impossible. They say only one ever dared challenge the Queen of the End - Steve himself. According to the legends, he died a nasty death.

Grian shuddered and Mumbo looked at him in concern. What if this went wrong? What if they lost someone to the endless depths of the End? Even the Voidwalkers - third strongest after the Watchers and the Enderdragon - strayed clear of this area. Grian mentally face-palmed. This plan was stupid. Even if they got in, they'd still have to destroy the Facility and then there was Pearl...

No, that wouldn't happen. Even though he tried to control these thoughts, they just kept on flooding his mind and fogging up this thinking. One thing was for sure - things could go horribly, horribly wrong. Images of his friends' dead bodies floated in and out. Iskall, Doc, Mumbo...

"No," he said aloud "It's gonna go alright and we'll be back in Hermitcraft with no worries whatsoever." Grian unconsciously slipped his hand in Mumbo's and the taller squeezed it in reassurance. He smiled at his friend who said "Hey, it's gonna be okay," Grian was glad for his friend's existence.

"It better go okay," called Xisuma "We're here." The tall building seemed even bigger from the ground. He realized with a pang that he was the one who designed it. Before any of them could register it properly, an army was seen circling them. "We're surrounded!" yelled False but she didn't need to. It was the Voidwalkers. That wasn't the most surprising bit, though.

Lix lead the battle and by the look on his face, he wasn't thrilled to see his son.

Yea, sorry this is late. Got a lotta school and then the MC community losing an important part... 
Let's say it wasn't easy.

<Ruby_Blue2010 left the game>

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