Chapter 25

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Over the next few days, Xenia healed and she got acquainted with most of the Hermits - even Doc who seemed guilty of something. The fact that she had come back from the dead was kept a secret between Xisuma, Xenia and Stress. A secret the girl intended to take to the grave. She felt as though she'd be more of a freak if she didn't.

The Hermits were starting to like her. All of them except one - FalseSymmetry. The female PvPer didn't trust Xenia. The Watcher had done too much. Watchers as a whole did too much. The pain everyone went through. Bdubs and Keralis had gone missing for so long but luckily the Hermits got them back.

Xenia personally felt as though False had every reason to mistrust her - after all she'd done. After the repetitive goal of the fall of Hermitcraft. She didn't want to now but everyone thought she did. To gain the Hermits' trust, she went along with them - running small errands such as mining or restocking the shops.

Lately these small errands grew slightly. The amount of shenanigans increased by a hundredfold. Pranks erupted all over Hermitcraft and it seemed as though a war was taking place. Two teams formed. Grian leading the G-team and Doc leading Team Star which also happened to be the team Xisuma was on.

Xenia herself went for the G-team. Fighting against her brother like old times. She helped set up the TNT because that seemed best for someone like her. A cease fire flag was raised as the two teams built their bases. With how the base was going on, the G-team would certainly win. This was the beginning of The Prank War.

It was hectic and for those in the war it was a primary  focus. Xenia did need time to rest like any living being. Using her huge wings, she took off to explore. The sun was going to set in some time and she was good with mobs anyway. Everything looked so small from up above and when she saw the occasional Hermit, they were tiny.

The ocean was visible in the distance so that's where she decided to fly. The feathers in her wings ruffled and she was flying so fast, if she didn't wear a helmet, her eyes would water. Out of nowhere a large building loomed into view. It looked incomplete and it reached for the skies. "Grian's actual base," noted Xenia.

She circled it for a while, planning to sit on the highest point but someone had beat her to it. At first she thought it was Welsknight but coming closer, she realized it wasn't her iron-clad friend. This person had a different color armor and the plume on his helmet was red rather than blue. Out of curiosity she flew closer.

This person had a sort of attractiveness to him and she didn't mean romantically, it was as if a higher power pulled her closer to him. Wanting to find out his identity, she flew in closer. Xenia landed next to this Wels lookalike and said "Hi!" which startled the poor knight. Once he recovered, he had a good look at Xenia.

"Who are you?" he asked warily as though she was about to attack him. "Me? Oh, I'm Xisuma's sister, Xenia." With any normal stranger, she wouldn't have revealed this but somehow with this knight, she felt inclined to. "Who are you?" she asked, wanting to know this person's identity. "I?" he asked. The knight gave a low chuckle.

"I am the Knight of the Nether." 

*whispers* Hex Hex Hex Hex Hex... Yep! We got ya boy, Helsknight! Whoo! Let's get the Hex hype train going!

Also should I go back and name these chapters?

RB signing out!

<Ruby_Blue2010 left the game>

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